
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Over the Edge, Over Again

I am pleased to announce that I am not dead.
 I did fall of the face of the earth, but I'm back now. 
It's a dark terrible place at world's end, where no blogging gets done, and everything is just madness. It was a long hard trek back, with a lot of detours and twists, up is down, and all that sort of thing. 
But at last I have braved the treacherous waters and arrived here to give you a blog post.

*throws confetti*
No idea what the blog post is going to be about. 

I suppose for the moment I'll just get you guys up to speed on what has been developing in the wonderful world of my life. 

Shower and wedding invitations have been sent out, everyone is accounted for, don't believe I forgot anyone. RSVP's have started coming in. 
It's quite humorous to me, as we set up an email for the sole purpose of rsvp's. When women RSVP, they send a gigantic email bearing congratulations, well wishes, happy tears, hysteria, and all manner of wordy fluff, so that one has to read an entire books worth to find out if they are coming or not. 
When the boys email? 
They say they're name. And coming. 
That's it. 

To the point.

Besides invites, I've got the boutonnieres put together, and need to work on the corsages. Table centerpieces are finished, and look lovely. Thank God I was am a book hoarder, and had a bunch of old Babysitter Club books in the shed that I could shred and use. I wanted to sneak in a subtle literary feel and the book paper did the trick. 

My dress is dropped off and being altered as we speak. My mommy has our quilt top done and ready to be quilted. The bridesmaids tried on their dresses. They look stunning. Mom is going to do some minor alterations and it will be set. 
I've got the bridesmaid and flower girl gifts ordered. 
Picked up the jars for the salt ceremony, got the flower girl basket, and lots of those little details. 
So wedding prep is going along smoothly, if I dare say so. 

My cousins and aunts came to town for Memorial Day, so I got to spend some time with them this weekend, which was fun. 

My family took a trip to the cemetery to put flowers on my aunt's grave. We didn't have our yearly traditions of pie with grandma and the other two aunts, as their plans were a little different this year, but we are planning to get together with them later this summer.

Jarod's mom and sister are coming this weekend to attend the wedding shower. I'm super excited and a bit nervous to be meeting them for the first time, and we've all been wracking our brains for something fun to do during the three days they will be here. 

My cousin is coming tonight and will be spending the next couple days with us riding horses and learning the rules for 4-H. He is such a little card, and I love when he is around. He is hilarious. 

Summertime is super busy at work, as we have a bunch of frame shows, a BBQ, and various sales going on, so there's a lot to keep track of, and my brain is fried. 

I have not gone to bed before midnight for at least two weeks and I am exhausted. 

Jarod has promised to help me get buckets and dirt so I can plant a container garden. We really want a garden but the lawn at the house he rents is so nice, we can't till it up, so I've been researching how to grow veggies in buckets and tubs and it looks super easy and I can't wait to try it out. It's been raining every few days for the last few weeks (I think we've had somewhere around eleven inches) so dry dirt is kind of a rarity at the moment. But I do have the plants and all the seeds ready to go at the earliest convenience. 

I decided it might be cool to clean my room before July, so maybe I could find my stuff when it's time to pack. 

I've got some hotel rooms booked for the first two days of our honeymoon, and a whole bunch of stuff we could go see, depending on how much time we have. Jarod promised we would be out the door by eight o'clock every morning....I won't hold my breath. 

Our pastor gave us each copies of For Women Only and For Men Only, along with a list of Bible verses to read about husbands and wives. My list has 54, while his only has 36. I cry foul play. But anyway, we decided to trade books to start out, so I have the one about women and he has the one about men, and we are going to highlight anything that stands out as important to us, then when we trade we will have a personalized copy. Should be interesting. I'm going through the book like this. 

I'm sure his wont be nearly as extensive. 

Other than that, life has been very boring. When you cut out the chaotic whirlwind of existence there really isn't a whole lot to fill up the long hours of the day with. 

So what about you? Did I miss anything while I was gone over the edge, fighting my way back?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Truth Revealed

So a few days ago I posted my response to a Truth and Lies tag. You guys took some guesses on which one you thought were true and which ones weren't. 
It's time for the big reveal. The pulling back the curtain. 

There were five truths and four lies in this collection. 

1. I started a band in elementary school, complete with t-shirts, original songs, and gigs.
True.  It consisted of me, my two sisters, and my best friend, along with various other siblings and friends throughout the years, but always us four. We started out calling ourselves Newsgirls, then realized that was a complete ripoff of the Newsboys and changed it to North. My mom helped us make customized t-shirts to wear, and we practiced like crazy and played several times in church, and at nursing homes etc. My friend was our pianist, Minion 1 was supposed to be drums, but she plays piano, so whatever. Minion 2 was background vocals and our dancer. I was guitar. We wrote gobs of songs, which I still have in a folder in my room, that no one is allowed to see. Ever. 
One of our 'band posters'

2.I'm five foot tall with a size ten shoe.
True. By all accounts I should be closer to like five foot eight, based on how tall I was as a four year old, and my shoe size, divided by the distance to the moon and all those equations people give parents. Those equations are not true. But my height and shoe size is. 

3. Cops wave at me really big when I drive by in my car.
True.  They do. Everytime I pass one they wave like crazy and it really creeps me out. Like...are they just friendly or are they biding their time waiting to strike?

4. I fall asleep really easy and sleep hard
False!!  I stare at the ceiling for hours trying to sleep and I can't, and when I finally do fall asleep any little thing will wake me up. Unless I'm sick. If I'm sick, I'll sleep through the fire alarm, my phone ringing ten different times, and an alarm that went off at 2 AM. 

5. Tomatoes are my favorite vegetable...excuse me, fruit. Sorry.
False. I hate tomatoes probably worse than I hate any other vegetable on the planet. They're slimy. 

6. I did really well with grammar in school. 
False.  This is probably the biggest lie of them all. I did terrible at it. I could write a sentence and it would be grammatically correct, or I could take an incorrect sentence and edit it to be right, but I couldn't tell you why or how. I had no concept of nouns and adverbs and all those crappy definitions. I never could remember them. Still can't remember most of them. 

7. I part my bangs to the left when I want to look sassy. 
True.  Don't ask me why. Call me weird. It just looks different on that side. 

8. I really like to dance, even though I don't know how, and always argue when asked to. 
True. I've never calmly accepted an invitation to dance, but I will be disappointed if I don't get to. I'm clumsy and don't look graceful at all, but I love dancing. 

9. I really hated Barney and Sesame Street when I was a little kid. 
False. *shiver* I really liked them. Like, really, really liked them. 

The horror. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Truth and Lies

Thanks to miss Opal for tagging me. It looks really fun. I will be posting five truths and four lies. You guys can guess if you want, and I'll let you know the answers later on. 

Say nine things about yourself. Either four can be true and five false, or vice versa.
Tag people to do the same.

1. I started a band in elementary school, complete with t-shirts, original songs, and gigs.
2.I'm five foot tall with a size ten shoe.
3. Cops wave at me really big when I drive by in my car.
4. I fall asleep really easy and sleep hard
5. Tomatoes are my favorite vegetable...excuse me, fruit. Sorry.
6. I did really well with grammar in school. 
7. I part my bangs to the left when I want to look sassy. 
8. I really like to dance, even though I don't know how, and always argue when asked to. 
9. I really hated Barney and Sesame Street when I was a little kid. 

Alright! What do you guys think?

I tag: