
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Counting Down

Hi guys!
The launch for Five Poisoned Apples is just three short days away. I'm bouncing off the walls with excitement.
So here is the inside scoop for everything you need to know on launch day.
We are having a Facebook party!
It will take place December 1st, starting at 7 PM, EST. All you have to do to take part is join the Rooglewood Fairytale Contest page.
All five of the Apple authors will be there. There will be a chance for Q&A, as well as fun games.
And let's talk about prizes for just a minute.
Rooglewood Press is hosting a game for each story in the collection, and giving away five print copies for the winners.
Alongside that, the authors are providing prizes handpicked to represent their individual stories.
Here's a look at what I'm offering up.

I had a hard time finding prizes I thought the majority of people would like. Since Red as Blood has a Victorian gothic type setting, some of the things I considered were just a little too creepy.
The other prizes are all fantastic as well, and I'm really sad I can't take part in the games too, because I would be thrilled to win any of them.
The book is now available for preorder.
If you just can't wait another moment, you can preorder the kindle copy now on Amazon.
The print copy is going through the final approval, and should be available at any minute, so stay tuned if you're waiting for a book you can display on your shelf.
I should also probably mention, since there has been a little confusion, that I'm not making any money off of this book. Since these collections are of contest winners, we received our prize initially and the profits go to the publisher.
Don't let that dissuade you from buying the book. You are still supporting me and the other authors by reading our work, leaving reviews, and spreading our name around. Some of us have  other published works you can look into, and others have more projects up and coming. So even though we aren't gaining any sales through this collection, the publicity and reader base is invaluable.
So if you decide to buy a copy, thank you very much.
Not sure what to expect?
I've had several people ask for more details about the book before they buy it for their children/grandchildren.
The stories in the collection are all considered Young Adult, but we were specifically told to write with an age of 13+ in mind, so there's nothing horrifically graphic, in my opinion.
These are Snow White retellings after all, so there is the usual variations of poisoning, cutting out hearts, witches, and magic.
The authors are all lovely ladies and did an excellent job of crafting deep stories, while still keeping the idea of a fairytale happily ever after.
I love each and every one of the stories. Falling Snow is probably one of my favorite since I've seen it grow and develop since the very early stages, but the others are each so unique and put a completely different spin on the fairytale.
Here are the teaser blurbs for each story.

Falling Snow: The strange dark circus is the only life she’s ever known—but is Snow a performer or a prisoner?
Raven’s Heir: Taking her in could risk the lives of his rebel band—but how can Damien leave the young woman at the huntsman’s mercy?
The Fairest One: Her people look for the prophesied Fairest One—but can Livna find courage to step out of the shadows and save her nation?
Red as Blood: He’s been hired to assassinate the princess, no questions asked—but how can Zaig take the life of one so young, so innocent?
Snowbird and the Red Slippers: She longs to be worthy of the scholarship that changed her life—but can Jeong Hayan survive the bitter rivalry of a prestigious New York dance school?

Experience the haunting beauty of Snow White in five thrilling retellings.
A bit about the authors.
I can't very well talk about the book all day without also talking about the authors who created it.
Skye Hoffert
Skye Hoffert is a dreamer, who always had her nose in a book and her head in the clouds. She has spent more time in Narnia and Middle Earth than in reality. She makes her home in Canada, with her family of ten.  She spends her days writing, painting, and procrastinating.
She blogs here.
Jenelle Hovde
A former audiologist, Jenelle Hovde decided to take the road less travelled and return to a love of all things creative. She currently juggles many hats as a pastor’s wife, a homeschooling mother of three, and a writer in her spare time. She lives on the windswept prairies with her family and one very large Great Dane who insists on being a lapdog. Her favorite pastimes include sketching characters from books, reading historical romance and YA fantasy, and exploring the Great Outdoors.
You can find her blog here.
Cortney Manning
Cortney Manning resides in Kansas City, Missouri with her amazing family and a grown Labrador who still thinks he is a puppy.  When not at home, she can be found teaching, studying at college, or working at a magical place in Orlando.  She has loved exploring different stories from a young age and is excited to share her own writing with the world.  In her free time, Cortney enjoys drawing, traveling, and afternoon tea.
Her blog is here.
Rachael Wallen
Rachael Wallen lives in New Zealand, with her husband Andy, in a house full of books. She is a full-time Christian and Paramedic, a part-time ballet student, photographer, and world traveler. An alumni of Writer's Window, "Snowbird and the Red Slippers" is her first published work.
You can find her here.
And then there's me!
I've had so much fun this last year with these ladies. It's been scary, hectic, and mind boggling at times, but we've all been able to talk it out together. They are all such sweethearts, and I'm so glad there were five of us because I think I might have gone off the deep end if I was trying to navigate edits alone.
I'm so thankful for Anne and the rest of the Rooglewood team. They've been so helpful and gracious, and have pushed me to make Red as Blood into the best story it can be.
I've loved getting to work with the editors and really come to understand how the process works and to continue to grow in my writing through it.
I am beyond excited to be bringing Red as Blood to you all this weekend. The characters are special to me and I can't wait to share their story with you.
Red as Blood was the first real writing I've done since a two year break and it's more than a little frightening to be sending it off into the world.
But at the end of the day, I know I did my very best with writing it and that's all I can do.
I'm excited to move forward now and keep writing and pursuing other avenues of publishing.
Are you ready to party?

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Know the Novel Part 2

Hi guys!
 I hope you’ve all had a fantastic week leading up to Thanksgiving. Tomorrow we head off for Lincoln to celebrate with Jarod’s mom’s side of the family. It’s been two years since we’ve met with them, so it’s going to be fun for everyone to meet Henry. I’ve had a great, albeit busy, week of deer hunting, Christmas shopping, and spending time with family.

 For today’s post I’m taking part in the second installation of the Know The Novel linkup, hosted by Christine.

1. How’s the writing going?
Hehe what writing? I did good the first half of the month. It wasn’t perfect or pretty, but I was on track. Then I got sick, deer season started, and Jarod’s mom got in from Washington, so I have done little writing since. I’m sitting at 17,807 words with Bad Boy and 17,787 with Mad Hatter. I’m definitely not going to win nano. But you know, I’m ok with that. I’m glad for the words I’ve got down. I’ve run into some things with the stories that I need to deal with and have learned a lot about where my characters need to be. Once the holiday festivities are over Monday I’m going to start back writing again like I’m supposed to and be happy with whatever the outcome is.

2. What’s been the most fun aspect about writing this novel so far?
Um...honestly, there wasn’t much fun in it. Bad Boy is nearing the end and I’m trying to tie up all the plot threads. Mad Hatter is falling flat of what I had planned. There were a few snarky parts I had fun with, and it was fun to reach 10k on both pieces.

3. Has your novel surprised you in any way?
Yes. Mad Hatter surprised me when I couldn’t find Hatter’s voice. I’ve had such a clear picture of him in my mind, for years, and now that I’m trying to write him it’s not working. It also surprised me that he isn’t a love interest.

4. What do you think of your characters at this point? Who’s your favorite to write about?
I love Brass, even though he’s being a boring, temperamental little brat. I’ve got some plot issues to work out with him. Once that’s resolved I think he’ll go back to having my undying love. And I’m really enjoying Molly. Way more than I thought I would, actually.

5. If you were transported into your novel and became any one of the characters, which one do you think you’d be? Would you take any different actions than they have?
I desperately want to say Brass or Malec (Hatter) but I’m afraid I wouldn’t be either of those. I’d be Tamille and Molly. They’re both fairly reasonable, but when they do get emotional it’s over the top. Bossy, motherly. Me, essentially. I think if I was Tamille I wouldn't have kissed Brass. And if I were Molly, I would have told my boyfriend what is going on instead of hiding it.

6. Give us the first sentence or paragraph and then 2 (or 3!) more favorite snippets!
Bad Boy
I've posted the very first paragraph of Bad Boy before, so this is the first paragraph of what I've written in it for NaNo.
His skin crawled like insects had replaced the nerves in his body and he stood quickly. “I need some fresh air.”
He ducked out into the hallway without waiting for an answer from Tamille, and headed out to the street.
He should have known better than to allow her so much importance to him. He’d changed his entire plan and strategy to get her back first, and now he was reaping the consequences. He should have known.

Brass put the wrapped cheese in his pocket and started back down the street toward the inn. So they wanted to try and catch Brass Talan, did they? Well maybe he would take their bait and see if they were strong enough to reel him in.

“Do you think he’ll come?” The same nervous voice who had spoken first asked.
Brass started toward them. “For the chance of making three Lords squirm? He wouldn’t dream of missing it.”
The three men spun to face him but it took a moment for anyone to find their bravery and tongue.
Mad Hatter.

She must have been high when she decided she could run a diner. Molly grabbed the carafe of coffee and headed back out to the tables. They were chuck full, mostly of old men who didn’t want to cook their own meals, but there were also some women who didn’t want to cook either, and a few younger couples.
The little bell on the door announced an incoming customer. Molly turned to look and nearly dropped her stack of dishes. What the heck was he wearing? The man who walked in was a stranger. Blakely Nebraska only boasted a population of two hundred and she knew them all. None of them dressed like that. He wore a ratty grayish jacket covered in more buttons and zippers than it seemed to merit, and perched on his shaggy brown hair was an honest to goodness top hat that could have belonged to Abe Lincoln.

Molly pulled her notepad from her grease stained apron pocket and walked over to him. “Hi. Can I get you started with something to drink?”
“Do you have tea?”
His accent was strange and one she couldn’t quite place though she was sure she recognized it. “Ice tea, yes.”
She started to turn away but his voice stopped her. “No, not iced tea. Whoever came up with this idea of putting ice into perfectly good tea is an abomination.”
Molly raised an eyebrow at him.
He raised a pierced eyebrow right back at her.

7. Have you come across any problem areas?
Haha hahah ahahaha. All the areas. Malec is flatter than road kill. The story lacks color.
Brass is across the country from where he’s supposed to be in the outline. Tamille is stuck in a spiritual hard place that I’m not sure how to get her out of. It’s a mess.

 8. What’s been your biggest victory with writing this novel at this point?

Making it this far without dying.

9. Be honest, have you killed any characters off yet?

10. Take us on a tour of a what a normal writing day for this particular novel has looked like. Where do you write? What time of day? Alone or with others? Is a lot of coffee (or some other drink) consumed? Do you light candles? Play music? Get distracted by social media (*cough, cough*)? Tell all!
Well, when I was writing, I’d get up at six in the morning and write until Henry woke up. Then I’d write what I could throughout the day on my phone, or on my laptop during nap time. Evenings were for catchup if I missed word count. Most of the writing was done at the kitchen table or in the living room. And ungodly amounts of coffee were drank.

So that’s the extent of my NaNo experience.
In other news, the launch date for Five Poisoned Apples is set for December 1st, and we are having a party to celebrate. Be sure to join the Rooglewood Fairytale Contest page on Facebook by 7 pm EST. We are doing author Q&A, games (the prizes you guys. So good), and behind the scenes sneak peeks. It’s going to be great.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone! Don’t eat too much! Joking.





Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Buck Fever

Hi guys!
This last Saturday started deer season here. I love deer hunting. It's probably one of my favorite things about fall. Everything gets put on hold for deer season: NaNoWriMo, housework, socializing. I become that really annoying daughter/sister that wants her kid babysat every single day.
This year has been no exception.
This year though, I've had the worst luck of my life.
I'm starting to question whether I am meant to be hunting.
It's been ridiculous.
Opening morning Jarod had to haul cows all day so he asked a couple of his friends if I could tag along with them. They were awesome enough to say yes and came to pick me up. They've got a nice little blind with windows and a heater in it. The only trouble was, it was 12 degrees, with a wind chill of 1. The windows were completely frozen shut, and the heater didn't feel like working. So if there were any deer out there, we didn't see them because the windows were frosted over. As hard as the wind was blowing though, I'd say they were hunkered down like any sane creature would be.
That evening I went out by myself and sat in a little spot. It had warmed up to a whopping 23 degrees, and the wind had died down, so it felt pretty good. All I saw were two does. They walked up close enough to chuck a rock at if I wanted to, then they must have figured out what I was because they ran off. And guys, they made this noise I've never heard in my life. It scared the tar out of me. Go look up a deer warning call on Youtube.
Day two I got out too late, and the deer were all over the place while I was trying to get to my spot. I ended up hunkering down in some fallen branches (and a sticker patch, just saying) and hunting like that. Still only saw does.
That evening Jarod and I went and sat in tree stands. His stand is close enough that I can see him through the trees. So as we're sitting there, I see him lift his gun and aim at something. Cue me panicking, trying to see whatever he's looking at. I can't see anything. But he's obviously aiming at something. So I'm over in my tree stand dying, and suddenly I see a squirrel bopping along through the trees.
 My husband gave me a heart attack because he wanted to watch a little squirrel through his scope.
Then a doe came through. I waited. It stands to reason that if there is a doe, there should be a buck. But this year it hasn't really been working. I don't think they're truly in rut yet.
But for this particular doe a buck did come along.
He was big enough I thought I'd take a shot if he would just come out in the open.
But do you think he would do that? No. He stood behind a tree and peeked around it.
Not even joking. Then he left the way he'd come and I never got a shot.
Cue Maddie starting to get just a little bit on edge and crabby.
After that we got to the week and I didn't get to go hunting in the mornings anymore.
Monday evening I went out and sat in a different spot where I would have a good view of the trail that buck had come in on.
Way out across a field, way further than a person could shoot, I saw a deer come out. I could see enough through my scope to know he was a buck, but a little guy. No big deal.
Next deer that came out was a doe.
Then another buck. This one only had one antler. Carry on my lopsided friend.
Then up popped another buck. Except for this one didn't come out. I could see his head. I knew he was a buck. And then he went back in the trees. He's a smart one. So I'd say he was probably big. Big deer are always cagey like that.
Then a doe came down the trail next to me. She sat about twenty feet away for nearly half an hour, just eating away like nobody's business.
I thought for sure a buck would follow her, but no such luck.
Then I hear something crunching in the thickets down where my tree stand is. There's a little bit of a ditch that runs through there, and walking through the ditch I could see horns. Just horns. No body to shoot at. That deer went right down in where my tree stand was and just made himself to home.
I was so stinking upset.
Then a doe comes out of those same trees, so I'm thinking surely he'll follow her out.
But no, not surely.
Out comes a tiny little spike buck.
He's being all hormonal and does not want her to go back in the trees.
Now in my mind, it would have been absolutely reasonable for the big buck to come out and thrash this little punk and assert his dominance, therefore letting me shoot him.
But he had other ideas. Never did see him.
Meanwhile the punk is chasing this doe around and being a general brat.
Well, amidst all that chaos he saw me and boy did he get ticked.
He stood about twenty feet away, stomping and shaking his head like he was hot stuff.
When he started to march closer, I'd had quite enough.
I waved at him and he took off like a scared little twerp, only to stop a few feet away and go back to throwing his tantrum at me.
I was starting to think I was going to have a throw down and waste good ammunition on this little punk who couldn't get his act together.
One more wave did the trick though and he finally ran off.
By then it was dark, so I headed for the pickup.
Last night Jarod babysat for me, so I went out and sat in my tree stand. (It's really hard to outguess deer, guys. Don't try it.)
I sat. And I sat. And I sat.
Now normally, I like nature. I think squirrels are cute, woodpeckers are amazing, and field mice are fine as long as they stay away from the house.
During deer season, all of that goodwill goes away.
I hate them.
Every single one of them.
Nothing drives me insane like thinking I'm hearing a trophy buck marching through the brush, only to discover that mice are playing acrobatics in the leaves.
Squirrels make about as much racket as a stampede of elephants, and I don't know, there's just something about being on edge and then adding a woodpecker incessantly tap, tap, tapping.
I was on the threshold of losing my mind and opening fire on mice.
I didn't see anything. Nothing came by my tree. Nothing came by beyond my tree.
Then a hawk came in and dive bombed a little covey of quail. The quail panicked and took off, making a bunch of racket on the way out.
And you know what happened when they did?
They scared away a buck and a doe that had been sleeping completely undetected  out in the thickets.
I very nearly threw my gun out of the tree.
So that's my story for the week.
What about you?
Tell me you've had better luck in your endeavors than I have.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Hello There, November

Hi guys!
I really can't believe it is already November. Where has this year gone?
According to my calendar, October was pretty slow. There was only one thing written on it the whole month (Trim Flint's feet).
Despite the empty look of the calendar, October was fairly busy.

We were harvesting pretty much all October long, (just finished yesterday. Yay!) so me and Henry were busy making and delivering lunches for the guys. We got to ride in the combine with Jarod a few times, and Henry had a blast seeing the corn fill up the bin.

Me and Henry also went with my dad and youngest sister to a horse sale in Quinter Kansas. I hadn't been there since I was a kid, and really enjoyed it. The horses were gorgeous, and the food was outstanding. Seriously, even if you have no interest in buying horses, you need to go just for the apple cake.

I took Henry Trick or Treating. He was a turtle, and I went as Abby from NCIS. It was really fun this year, since he actually kind of knew what was going on. The first few houses he was kind of shy, and then he figured it out and was excited to go from door to door.

I also started writing on my phone in the Notes app, and oh my goodness it adds so many words to my word count. I'm usually only on my phone when I'm rocking Henry or something like that, but I can get a lot written during those times that I would normally be on Facebook.
As empty as October was, November is pretty much covered from start to finish with things to do. Go to the doctor, meet people, holidays, family coming. Not to mention Nano is overlapping all of it.

 Perhaps the most obvious one is NaNoWriMo. I'm on track with word count but not ahead, so I'm hoping I can get some extra writing time in before all the holiday craziness starts.

 Jarod's mom and her boyfriend will be visiting us for Thanksgiving and we're all going to go see Jarod's aunt and cousins on that side of the family. I'm really excited for everyone to see how much Henry has changed since the last time they were together.

I have another article launching with Story Embers this month that I am very excited about, so I'll keep you all up to date on when it's coming out.

I've been listening to The Greatest Showman soundtrack on repeat for days.

My sister and dad have back-to-back birthdays, the 21st and 22nd, so amidst all the turkey and gravy we will have to fit in some birthday cake as well.

Deer hunting season starts this weekend! I am ready guys. I am so ready.

I'm not sure what all December is gonna hold, other than the obvious Christmas.

We will be attending a wedding in Oklahoma, which means I'm going to go see the Pioneer Woman Mercantile.
Right before Christmas.
It's like a dream come true.

What are you guys doing this month?
I want to hear about it.