
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Language of Worlds—May/June

Hi guys! 

I’m rolling in a little late today. Henry and I went for a ride with Jarod this morning, and I had no ideas for a blog post. 

Luckily, Liv K. Fisher saved the day when she posted her Language of Worlds linkup for May/June. 

I’ve been working on a Viking story for the Go Teen Writers 100 for 100 challenge...which is hilarious because I haven’t written anything for three days. *distant sobbing*

The main character is a girl named Ailith. I’m still trying to figure her out, but these questions looked really good, so here we go. 

1. Your character goes on a leisurely stroll. Where to?

The currently unnamed world Ailith lives in is heavily inspired by the Scottish Highlands. It’s very lush, pretty countryside. So anywhere Ailith walks to is going to be fairly amazing. Mountains, streams, waterfalls. She’s particularly fond of the pools where the minerals make the water look impossibly blue. 

2. What's their favorite food? Why? What does it taste like?

I’m really not sure what all her people eat yet. Lots of wild game, and crops/vegetables they grow, plus whatever wild things they forage. But as far as favorites, there is a type of honey cake they make that Ailith really likes. 

3. Describe their typical day.

Wake up early and train with her shield bearer, Kaede, then get started with the days work. It could be fishing, working the fields, hunting, or tending things around the home. A midday meal with her family, and then finish up any work, and then spend the evening playing games or attending activities in the village. 

4. When are they most productive? Morning, evening, or sometime in-between?

She’s a morning person, definitely. 

5. Who are they closest to?

Her mom, and I think she’s going to have a sibling or two, but I’m still deciding. Probably Kaede though. They’ve been friends for years, and I’m pretty sure he’s going to end up my favorite. 

6. Have they ever lost someone close to them?

She lost her dad in a raid several years ago. Her clan isn’t necessarily a warring one, but there are frequent raids and revenge fights, so she’s lost lots of friends and relatives along the way. 

7. Describe their education.

She can read and write in her language, and—along with all the other young people—grew up learning the stories of their history, and all about how to live and work off the land. 

8. What is their talent?

I know she’s an excellent fighter, but haven’t figured anything out beyond that yet. 

9. When do they doubt themself? What makes them do so?

I don’t know yet, I’m still working on that part. But I think it has something to do with her fighting skills failing her. That her sword isn’t enough and she doesn’t know what else to turn to. 

10. When do they feel most comfortable/cozy?

Sitting around the fire in the evening with her family and Kaede, enjoying each other’s company. 

There you go! 
You can scurry over to 
To see the other linkups. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Writing Update

Hi guys!
Up until it started raining, we were enjoying some very nice (very hot) weather. The rain was good though. Get the crops coming up. So no complaints from me.
With the downpour came the ability to stay in the house and do some writing, so since I don't have a lot else to talk about, that's what I'm going to update you on today.
Blood and Dust
I believe I mentioned that Kara Swanson and I have been going over Blood and Dust with a fine tooth comb and tweaking it a bit. It's going very well, I think.
I'm keeping a lot of aspects of the western gunslinger type world, but we both agree that it basically reads just like a western with the title dystopia slapped over the top. So we're adding some ground work to really draw out the futuristic aspect, and I'll be changing the villain's motives quite a bit. Cole is getting a bit of a makeover too, though he's still my baby and I won't destroy him (I promise), and new characters are being added that I think you all will really love.
Kara is more of a plotter than I am, so things are going a bit slower as we really nail down some concepts about character motive and the climax, etc. Which is super cool, really, because I feel like she's stepping in and pointing out some of the stuff pantser me missed that will really help enhance the story and bring it into something very unique.
I can't wait for you guys to see it.
Bad Boy
Lately I've just been trying to think of a title for this one. To no avail, obviously. I thought about just calling it Brass Talan, but that's just not resonating with me.
I opened the doc up the other day, along with comments from my first two beta readers.
I have a third beta reader who really wants to read it and needed a bit more time to get school finished up, so I'm waiting before I do any major changes till I hear her thoughts. Which is perfectly fine. I've got enough to keep me busy for awhile.
One of my beta readers suggested some political aspects, and a few deeper twists with Brass that I think will be really fun to explore and try to bring to the surface.
After staring at the doc yesterday for half an hour though I decided my mind really isn't on that story, so there's no point staring at it. I think getting the comments from the last beta reader will be exactly the motivation I'll need to dive back into it fresh.
Mad Hatter
This one is still out to beta readers, but I had some awesome feedback from the first beta reader to finish up so I've been really contemplating that.
She really saw the magic I was trying to convey but missing, and gave me some great ideas on how to flesh out the skeleton I have written right now.
I've been doing a lot of character questionnaires and worksheets for this one, which is super unusual for me, but has been very helpful, since I struggled to connect with these characters.
It's really been fun to see where the characters share the same goals, and where they differ completely in their motivations. Oh, and backstory. Backstory, guys. Malec's gonna make me cry if it's the last thing he does. I love it.
Go Teen Writers is hosting their 100 for 100 challenge, and I absolutely love it because it's easy but helps me be consistent. But since I'm mostly plotting and editing on my other three projects I didn't have anything to write.
So I broke down and started Vikings. I don't know if it's silly of me to have so many projects open at once. I feel like they're all in different stages, so I'm not just jumping from new idea to new idea.
I guess it's my form of letting myself relax. Editing is work, and I kind of treat it like that. I'll sit down and I'll develop a concept or rewrite a chapter. Then working on drafting gets to be my fun, just for me, time.
So anyway, I started Vikings. It's only about 300 words long, as I'm only required to write 100 words a day, but I think it's going to be fun. I'm trying to figure out Ailith's voice, as she's somehow floundering between medieval tones and modern. I've never written for this type of setting, and haven't read a whole lot either, so I'm trying to figure out what this speech pattern looks like.
I've got a Pinterest board  for it that I'm absolutely in love with, and some songs on Spotify that really set the mood. I'm being super careful not to copy Adrienne Young with Sky in the Deep, although my plot and characters are totally different, so I think I'm safe except for the Viking aspect of it.
I've got the vaguest outline for this one. Normally I would take much longer to flesh the idea out in my head before writing it, but I wanted a 100 for 100 project, so here I am winging it. I do know some of the essentials, so I think there will be enough that I can at least muddle out 100 words a day until I can find some solid story footing.
We shall see.
So that's what I've been up to. A lot more plotting and planning than I'm used to, but I'm really enjoying exploring that aspect of writing. I don't think I'll ever be a true plotter, but it's definitely helpful when I'm feeling stuck on something.
 What about you? Are you a plotter or pantser? Has spring weather arrived where you live?

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

On Vague Tutorials and My Identity Crisis

Hey guys!
Monday I built Henry a slide.
It was sort of a funny story because we ordered the actual slide part knowing it didn't come with any stand or steps, etc. I asked Jarod if that was something he would be willing to build, and he said yes.
So then the slide actually came and I asked him when we could get started and he said I could build it. I had my reservations, since I don't build things, and it was my child that was going to be playing on the thing, but he insisted I could do it.
"Then when people come over you can tell them all about how you're the one who built it," he said.
And I thought, I'm not that vain.
Yet here I am, being that vain.
But anyway, have you guys ever noticed that when you look for a tutorial online for literally anything--hair, makeup, building projects--they all show a messy first picture. Maybe one picture in between, and then the finished product and the directions are just... this is what you need... we're not sure how much of all of that stuff you need, but was super easy...just put it together...and you're done!
How is that teaching me anything?? If I knew how to just put together the super easy thing I wouldn't be on here reading your tutorial. Duh.
This right here could be a five star tutorial you guys.
  • You need some 2x4's. Nine of them, eight feet long. Or something.
  • And some screws. We used 3 1/2 inch ones.
  • A tape measure is nice.
  • Saw horses would have been nicer, but a chair and picnic table will work.
  • Also, a circular saw. DONT CUT YOUR FINGERS OFF!
  • A pen or marker.
  • And my husband said I needed a square, and I tried valiantly to use it, and nothing really happened, so we'll mark that as optional.
  • A drill and bits. Bits you don't like, preferably, because you could break two.
Awesome! So that's what you need, now on to how to actually do it.
Measure out your boards. We have no formula for this. Just do the math. Legs, braces, steps, platform, railing, etc, etc. This is elementary level addition here. 
Cut the scientifically measured boards.
Screw them together. But first, drill little holes slightly smaller than the screws, so you don't split the board. Once all your tiny drill bits break off in the boards, just screw the screws in anyway.
Use lots of screws so things are stable.
And viola!! A fully assembled slide! Your kids are gonna love it.
I hope you guys enjoyed my tutorial.
Be sure to subscribe, leave a glowing review, and five star rating.
Love you guys!
Can anyone relate to what I just said? I cannot be the only one who finds these ridiculously unhelpful reviews.
If I am, that's probably going to give me an identity crisis.
Even though I'm already having one.
When asked the question am I a dog or a cat person, I will always, always tell you dog. Hands down. My firm stance is that I'm mildly allergic to cats, don't really like them, but keep them around to keep the rodent population down.
This last month one of my two farm cats had kittens.
And I've been so excited. I strictly post pictures of Henry playing with them to save face, but rest assured I am totally excited.

Ronan, Adam, and Gansey
They're adorable. All boys, and named Gansey, Adam, Ronan, and Noah in honor of The Raven Boys.
Noah actually didn't make it,'s fitting considering the events of the book.

But you know, these kittens were thrust upon me. Their mother had them in the garage. I couldn't help it. It's not like I volunteered to be a cat person.

But last night I went to take Jarod a sandwich while he was out planting corn, and when I went to the hydrant to fill his water jug I heard desperate meowing. Now in the place where we were, there are never cats. It's not normal to hear cats there.

So I took him his water, and while walking back found this little gray and white kitten hiding in a bucket. She came right to me and I was like, "Ok, she's coming home with us."

Long story short, me and Henry spent the evening tracking down every lonely meow--through hayfields and prickly weeds--until we found all four kittens.
My guess is someone dumped them, because they were all scattered, and crying, very hungry, and relatively friendly.

They're at our house now. Loving life. Full bellies. And trying to get used to the dog and our current cats.

I'm a dog person, you guys. I AM A DOG PERSON!

So what about you? Do you have any tutorial nightmare stories? Or have you found any great ones?
Are you a cat or dog person, and which one are you really?

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Mother’s Day Shopping Guide

Hey guys!
With Mother’s Day right around the corner, a lot of people are scrambling trying to find gifts. 
But what do you get a woman who has everything?
(We know she has everything because she’s got you, okay? Obviously.) 

Not only do I have a mom, I am a mother. Not to mention the proud recipient of two mother-in-laws (pray for me guys) (no actually, they’re both really great), and two grandmas. I know some stuff about Mother’s Day. 

So here is my official gift buying guide for Mother’s Day. 

  1. Flowers. Who doesn’t love flowers, really? There’s something especially sweet about spending a fortune on something that’s gonna die in a few days. However, if your mom is at all like me, she might preserve those glorious bouquets and use them to decorate the house for all eternity. This way, it’s kind of like the coffins for Pharaoh mummies. They’re still dead, but they’re pretty. Or you could go the living flower route. Potted plants or hanging baskets are great. Unless your mom is like me and my black thumb. Then they’ll be dead, but not pretty. 
  2. Take her out to dinner. She spent your entire existence feeding you, so you pretty much owe her one. Or a lot of ones. Go all out, because I guarantee you every time you said “I don’t care” when asked what you wanted to eat, made her feel like killing you. And yet here you are reading this, alive (right? I have a strict no ghost policy here), so that counts for a lot. We’re talking steak, or lobster. Even steak and lobster. 
  3. Send her on a trip. Sometimes moms just need to get away. But don’t send her anywhere she is required to wear a swimsuit. Let her make that decision for herself. Because as well as making her a mother, you also ruined any chance she had at abs. It was all you, and had nothing whatsoever to do with chocolate or mashed potatoes. 
  4. Chocolate. Or any of her favorite snacks. Since you already ruined her abs there’s really no point in giving up the good stuff. 
  5. Coffee. No matter how old you are now—even if you’re moved out of the house—I can guarantee she still hasn’t fully recovered from sleep deprivation. Ya girl needs some caffeine. 
  6. Buy her something she’ll love. But literally only do this if you know she’ll actually love it. Remember how in high school you swore you and your mom were so different and had different tastes? It’s still true. If she gives a tight lipped smile, her eye twitches, she laughs, or simply says “oh...thanks” after opening it you know you messed up. 
  7. Send her shopping. This is the safest way to be sure she loves her gift. Let her buy it herself. Gift cards and cash will never be turned down. Unless of course you buy a gift card to a store you shop at that she’s never stepped foot in. Then I don’t know if there’s hope for you. Moms like routine. They don’t want to be plunged into a new store expected to find something they like enough to buy. It’s stressful. Learn where she shops and stick to it. 
  8. Do not give her breakfast in bed. Let the dang woman sleep, okay? You can make her breakfast in the kitchen once she’s good and ready to get up. 

So hopefully that clears some stuff up for everyone doing last minute shopping. Now go forth and treat your life-giver. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

April Showers Bring May Flowers

And boy should we have flowers in May.
True that.
 It's been raining the last four days, but the temperature has also been dancing dangerously close to freezing, and there has been bucket loads of snow in some areas.
But today ushers in a new month, so I have hope we are one step closer to consistently warm weather.

I'm diving back into my Blood and Dust story, so I've switched back to listening to the playlist for it. So lots of NeedtoBreathe and Skillet.

But I'm also currently obsessed with Reckless love of God by Cory Asbury. I mean, I've probably played it 900 times since downloading it two days ago. If I get up the courage, I might sing it in church.

Also, Yes I will by Vertical Worship.

I've been reading The Traitors Game by Jennifer Nielsen, and it is really interesting. So fun to read something of hers from a girl perspective after dealing with Sage/Jaron in The Ascension trilogy. The world is also very interesting. But I'll save the details for a book review.

I keep adding things to my Watch List on Netflix, but haven't actually watched anything all month that wasn't some form of children's cartoon.

Henry turned two!! Can't hardly believe it. Love him so much.

We went to my parent's house for Easter. Much fun was had by all, and I didn't need to eat for three days afterward. Not saying I didn't eat for those three days, because I most certainly did. But I didn't need to.

I had a call with Kara Swanson and we brainstormed some things to give Blood and Dust a little more oomf and uniqueness, and oh my goodness you guys. I am so excited to get to work on some of the ideas we tossed around and see how they fit. No worries to anyone who has read it in its current state though, because Cole and Calgary are very much staying.

I feel like I spent the entirety of April outside, which was definitely a good thing. There were several playdates to the park, we moved cows one day, branded calves, and helped Jarod get all the planting equipment ready to go. We picked up the electric fence from the fields, and also spent a day burning and clearing debris that had washed in from the flood. We've got baby kittens and their eyes are starting to open finally, so they're ready to be played with.

Everything is greening up beautifully. I have tulips blooming, and the plum and cherry trees are blossoming and the world smells so good. I even mowed the yard yesterday.

May is hopefully going to bring a ton of writing as I mess with Blood and Dust and hopefully tinker with Bad Boy and Mad Hatter. I'm also letting myself do a little planning for a Viking story. So good things.

I've been doing some quilt related work for my mom, and I've got some more of that to do this month. It's tedious, and the exact reason I will never be a quilter, but coupled with my guitar lesson money it keeps me funded for buying books and music and whatnot.

Mother's Day. I already know what I'm getting, as it is a combination mother's day, birthday, Christmas, etc. etc. gift. I'm just really kind of curious when I get it. Sooner would be much preferable in my opinion. Now I just need to figure out what to get my mom.

So that was my month in a nutshell.
How was yours?