
Monday, January 20, 2014

Plotting and Planning

My original thought was to post this a long- like a LOOOONG- time ago. But I got busy. But beings as it is still January, (and I am mentally exhausted from my morning with college tests and reading) I figured it's not too terribly late to post some of my writing goals for 2014. So here they are!

                                                    My Writing Goals for 2014
                                        (^ this color scheme is what me and my doppleganger best friend off the internet have started referring to as Mur. In honor of our favorite character Murtagh. So there. A Mur-heading)
                                      #1. Finish Blaze (He needs some attention. My sister says he's a wimpy dude- and we just can't have that)
                                      #2. Finish Purpose (My sister- AKA The Minion- told me this diabolical idea that should happen that would really spice up my story. But also make me cry)
                                      #3. Finish Raising Rebels (which should be an interesting experience since I still have years worth of time that needs to pass before I can wrap the thing up. Like my little rebel guys who are supposed to take over the world are still twelve!)
                                      #4. Finish Beautiful Things (I've got the very last scene planned out perfectly. It's the middle that I'm still taking issue with)
                                      #5. Finish The Assassin Story (It's just a short story about a guy who's just a step up from a stalker. But he's handsome, so we let it slide)
                                      #6. Draft The Dystopia Story (Minion 1 and Minion 2 are really enjoying this one so far)
                                      #7. Draft Jakes Story (I'm having to turn of my internal editor right now, cause so far the draft isn't turning out as magical as my snippets did, and I'm wanting to sit and try to beef them up and not do any writing)
                                      #8. Finish Editing Out of Darkness (But I've edited it three times and I can practically recite it by heart and I don't want to change anything else!!)
                                      #9. Draft Maybe I Will (and get it off the note saved to my ipod. I'm just paranoid that someone will come along and delete it all into oblivion)
                                      #10. Finish The Fairy Tale Mix-up (Hey, I've made it past Snow White's story. I'm about a fourth of the way done)
                                      # 11. Create the story world for my new fantasy idea (It's based loosely off a roleplay I was in once, but the story world is going to be epic...I sort of skipped ahead on my list and started this already)
                                      #12. Start plotting and outlining the worlds and such for Monsters, Guardians, Masked, and Brothers. (I've made story boards on pinterest for all of these except Brothers. And that's all I'm going to allow myself to do until the ones up there ^ are all finished, cause I absolutely don't have any more room in my purse for a fifth tablet. no. I can make as many notes in my ipod for them that I want however)
                                      #13. Finish Go Teen Writers' book. (cause I want to try to use the stuff in it for all these drafts I'll be finishing)

So there you have it. My list for 2014. Think I can do it? My hands are literally stained with ink and they cramp up every time I use a pen. I keep having to rotate through different pens to make my hands change how I grip, and that kind of helps. Speaking of writing, I'm done with college and blogging for the day. I think I'll go.            


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