
Friday, March 28, 2014

On Faith and Excuses

Well I didn't write anything yesterday except to scribble out that Cannon's initials are CCR so I should connect him Credence Clearwater Revival somehow, and one and a half pages of Blaze that wasn't all that great for snippets.
So, you'll not be getting any snippets today. But soon. I promise.
Today I want to talk about how we handle decisions in our life. I feel like so many people use faith in God as a scapegoat.
                                                Now hold on. Let me explain.
Think about it. How many times have you heard someone say-
"I'm not going to look for a boyfriend. I'll wait for God to bring the right one to me."  Or "I'll just have to trust God to tell me what to do"
                               I don't know about you, but I hear it all the time. 
                                      Here's why I think it's often just a cop out. 
Obviously we need to be prayerful and trust God in all areas of our lives- I'm not denying that for a second. But so many people stop there. They pray but never get active in life.
In the book The Sacred Search it used this example:
If you know you want to go to college and you want God's guidance on which one to choose, you need to send out some applications. You can't expect the college to contact you miraculously and give you the key to a dorm.

No! That's silly! We need to be proactive. We need to be getting out there in absolutely every area of our lives. For the most part, God doesn't speak directly to us anymore. He uses the Bible obviously, but also lots of his guidance is through our trial and error. We try something. He closes the door and it doesn't pan out. We know its time to move on from that.
Not to say you shouldn't use common sense and just jump into stupid things head first. We need to use our heads in this. But sitting on our hands doing nothing and just "waiting on his timing" is not glorifying to God. It's usually a cover up for our own fear of the unknown, or just pure laziness. God didn't create us to be afraid. He wants us to have courage and dream big and follow those dreams. Some might not pan out, but he doesn't want us to live in bondage to fear of failure.
In the Bible it describes Jesus' relationship with the church as a marriage. Look at a husband and wife. The husband does provide for the wife, but does that mean the wife just sits at home and does nothing to help him?

                                        No way! That's not a happy marriage.
                                       We are supposed to be a team with God.
                            He opens doors, but it's our job to walk through them. 
                                       We are supposed to live by faith.
                                 But we're also supposed  walk by faith.

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