
Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Novel Idea- On Time

Hi guys! Guess what! I remembered to do my A Novel Idea on time. Isn't it wonderful? This weeks questions are about yours truly and the writing process I use.
1. What was your first story plot? Do you ever consider rewriting it? 
Where do you get most of your ideas? 
That's hard...I have a lot of stories that I write when I was about 11 and I'm not sure which one was first. The one that was the most developed I suppose was my orphan maid girl who ran away and accidentally fell in with the kings secret messengers. Cliche anyone? I do plan on rewriting it, because I love the characters, but the plot will change drastically. Don't know when I'll get time to do it though...
I get most of my ideas in the shower. No, actually I get lots of ideas on Pinterest, or just when I'm out working or whatever and I hear or see something neat. I also get lots of ideas by watching movies or reading and thinking, I would have done that this way, instead if etc. 

2. How old were you when you decided that you couldn’t stand it anymore – and you started writing? 
I've been writing stories literally since I was like three (picture books). But I started writing more full length better spelled stories when I was 11 or so. I never really decided to start writing. I just had ideas I wanted to write down. Most of my early stories were remakes of my favorite stories where I changed who died or who got married to who so that I liked it better. 

3. Do you have a favorite character from one of your books? Describe them. 
Well that's got to be the hardest question ever. 
I'll try to narrow this down. I really love Darren Fairbanks from The Riders of Carstindad. He's the reason I want to redo that story. He's 18, with shaggy brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He strongly believes that it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. He is a total jokster, but very serious when it comes to his job. 
Some of my other favorites are Cannon from Out of Darkness. Jake from Jakes story. Anthony from The Dynamic Duo. And Rath from Raising Rebels...even though he's kind of the bad guy. 

4. Do you act out your scenes, or just write them?
I usually just write them, though I can't promise that I don't smirk whenever I write that the character did. Sometimes me and the minions play the story out for fun, but that's usually after I write them. Lots of times if I don't have paper (and I'm alone) I talk the scene out. I play all the characters and say their dialogue so that I can remember it later on. 
There you go! An on time post. That was fun :) Talk to you next week!

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