
Monday, January 19, 2015

The Art of Characters

Hi guys! guess what? a new linkup is here from Stori Tori. It is partially for artists who like to draw their characters, (we're supposed to provide four pieces of art that remind us of the character) but since all of my boy characters end up looking like girls, and I can hardly draw a girl, I'll just furnish you with four pictures that remind me of my character. The topic for this set of questions is the protagonist.
Since I'm editing Out of Darkness I'm going to use its main character, Cannon.

1.) What does your character's eye, skin, and hair color tell about him/her?
Hmm, well he has blue eyes and that gives him that heartthrob vibe, his skin tells me he is Caucasian, and his hair color (black) says edgy. And you know, tall dark and handsome. 

2.) What does your character's hairstyle tell about him/her?
That he's messy and kind of punk. He likes it longer, and tousled looking. 

3.) What does your character's default outfit tell about him/her?
He's a total boy. A bit of a punk, thug type kid. He usually wears dark colors, skulls, leather jacket, etc. 
4.) Does he/she have an object(s) he/she carries around a lot?
He carries his phone all the time. A gun for half the book. Probably his wallet. 

5.) Does he/she have any particular scars or birthmarks?
He has a scar on his cheek from getting hit with a metal pipe when he was a kid. 

6.) Does he/she have any piercings or tattoos?

7.) How does he/she carry themselves? Shoulders back? Eye contact? Eyes down? Slumped shoulders?
He carries himself confidently. He makes eye contact most of the time, stands up straight, walks purposefully. 

8.) What is his/her default expression? Smiling? Frowning? Solemn?
He's probably smirking. 

9.) Does he/she wear make-up or face paint?
No, he does not. 

10.) Does his/her physical appearance change at any time? For example: If they have a power do their eyes glow or hair turn blue?
Nope. He looks the same at all times, unless Jeremy drags him to church. Then he might comb his hair and wear a button up shirt. 
Thanks for reading! I'm super excited about this new linkup since A Novel Idea has been discontinued :(