
Thursday, September 13, 2018

My Favorite Things Tag

Hi guys!
Sorry this is so late. I ended up going to a farm show all day today, then spent the evening with relatives from Arizona.

I was tagged by Mariposa for the My Favorite Things tag. (Thanks!) You guys should check out her blog. She's got a very fun angle on it.

Here are the rules.

Link back to and thank the person who tagged you.
2. Link back to and thank the blogger who created the tag. (Beth)
3. List and picture seven of your favorite things.
4. Tag seven people—or as many as you can remember without straining your brain.
5. Use the picture above
6. List the seven rules.
7. Have fun!
Alright, sounds simple enough. For the purpose of this tag, I will be excluding my obvious favorite things (Henry, Jarod, extended family, etc.) and just talking about material/inanimate type things.
Here are my seven things.
I love them. Especially hardcovers, but I'll take a paperback, or even an eBook in a pinch. I get just as excited by new books, as I do old, and I think they all smell amazing.
Cowboy Boots
Cowboy boots make me happy. I could browse western stores for ungodly amounts of time, just looking at all the boots. My current pair looks like this one. I get such a thrill when I see someone wearing their pants tucked inside their boots so we can see all the pretties.
I don't care what form its in. Hard candy, soft candy, gloriously smooth sauce, or just a flavor added to coffee. I want ALL of the caramel.
I've 'liked' coffee since I was little, because that's what Louis L'amour cowboys drink, but now I actually enjoy drinking coffee. I blame my dad completely for my addiction to warm frothy things that smell like coffee, but taste like heaven. He used to make this thing called gunpowder coffee, that was some secret recipe I have to catch him on his deathbed to find out what it was, and it was amazing.
Home Décor
I like to build it, pin it, shop for it, imagine it, dream about it. It doesn't even have to go in my house. I just want to see all the pretty things in magazines and Pinterest boards.
Cozy, rustic farmhouse décor makes my heart happy.
Music in general, if we're being honest, but especially NeedtoBreathe.
That voice.
Those lyrics.
Especially if they're aesthetically pleasing. (I feel like I should note that anything aesthetically pleasing automatically becomes its own favorite thing.) But I'll take regular old college ruled notebooks too. I love all that fresh paper just waiting to be filled up with words. Or, you know, hoarded because its too pretty to actually write in.
Now I'm going to be a stereotypical rule breaker, and say if you want to be tagged, you're tagged.
If you don't, you're not.



  1. Books, boots, and caramel... I'm with ya! :) fun tag!

  2. Love all of these things! Especially NeedtoBreathe, the song Drive All Night is my new favorite!

  3. haha, books and caramel for life! I love home decor too, and I have a whole box of notebooks (definite hoarder :) )

    Awesome post, Maddie!


    1. I’m glad I’m not the only notebook hoarder!
