
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Language of Worlds

Hi guys! Liv K. Fisher is back with another awesome Language of Worlds linkup.
I’m over half done with my read through of Bad Boy (and still in the negative zone on picking an actual title). I expect to have it finished and ready to go by the end of this week, so if you want to be a beta reader shoot me your email and let me know! If you’d like to see an official blurb, check out the My Stories tab.
I’m not working on any other stories at the moment, so I’ll be using Brass and Tamille for this linkup.
The Questions
In five words or less, how would you describe your character?
Brass: Chaotic good, arrogant, smart, dangerous. Tamille: Brave, sensitive, level headed, conflicted.
When do they see an opportunity for self-improvement?
Brass thinks he’s pretty much perfect, so it doesn’t come easy for him to consider improving. He starts to think about it when Tamille’s father gets her back. Tamille is always trying to do better. Every situation she gets herself into she spends time reflecting on what got her there and what she could do differently.
How do they view themself (good, evil, neutral, etc.)?
Brass views himself as very good at being evil. Tamille thinks she’s generally good, but knows that no one is truly good and she has her flaws.
Is there a story that inspires them? What is it?
Brass is inspired by his own story. Every slight someone dealt him, every obstacle he’s overcome, all fuels him to push farther. Tamille doesn’t have a specific story, but she secretly reads minstrel tales and I’m sure the daring damsels in those stories inspire her quite a bit.
What proverb or quote they identify with?
Brass makes up his own proverbs as he goes along. His favorites are Always expect trouble, and promises are made to be broken. Tamille would identify with Proverbs 12:21 There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief. Tamille is constantly reminding herself that she is protected.
What does their standard day look like?
Brass is always bouncing between schemes so it’s hard to pinpoint standard, but he’ll frequent several of his different establishments and listen in on the gossip, check payments and transfers of money. Probably get in a fist fight, and annoy Tamille as much as possible.
 Tamille used to spend her time riding along with the hunts or hosting dinner parties, but lately she just gets dragged around with Brass and put to work serving tables.
When they picture their ideal day, how does it go?
Brass would have all of his current endeavors fall into place, and spend the rest of his time arguing with Tamille. Tamille would like to go to the beach or the country, and just enjoy being outside relaxing.
Do they have a favorite memory? If so, what happened?
Brass tries really hard not to think about the past. Tamille’s is of a fall her family spent along the coast when she was a little girl. It was calm, and there were no politics to be dealt with, and everyone had fun.
Where do they see themself in five years?
Brass is currently having a midlife crisis at the age of 19, and isn’t sure what to do next. Probably some kind of fantastic crime spree. Tamille hopes to be secure and settled, with a steady job and no danger or heists. But that's probably not very realistic, given that she also pictures herself wherever Brass is.
What is their life dream?
Brass’ dream would be to see the current king taken down and all the dukes stripped of their titles, an illegitimate prince on the throne, and a free pass to do whatever he wants without repercussions. Oh, and...Tamille, would stay...but he doesn’t like to talk about that either. Tamille wants to be able to marry who she chooses, and eventually rebuild relations with her family, while helping strengthen the country and helping the people oppressed by the social system.
So there you have it! Make sure to check Liv’s post and read the other linkups, and let me know if you want to beta read this bunch of craziness.  


  1. Finally!!!! I want to read it! *jumping*
    I'm having a midlife crisis too, just something me and Brass have in common. XD

    1. Yessss!
      I have a midlife crisis once a month. We should start a club, the three of us.

  2. "midlife crisis at the age of 19" is so RELATABLE. Except mine is from dealing with the American system of higher education. Rip.

    Tamille looks like a great character as well--I don't often read about heroines like her, and it's a nice breath of fresh air.

    Eleanor | My Language of Worlds

    1. Oh yeah. That'll do it every time. My condolences.
      I had a blast writing her.
