
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Alien Sick Days

Hi guys!

I’m convinced I need to change blogging to a day other than Wednesday. Every time Wednesday rolls around something rolls in with it that annihilates my ability to put together a proper blog post. 

Overdramatic, you say? There are far more dramatic people in the world than me. I assure you. 

I’ve been fighting a migraine since Lorie was born. I thought it was from the spinal, but the doctor says it shouldn’t last that long, and figures it’s my hormones. Her solution was to “force the migraine out of my body.” Like I’ve got some kind of alien parasite or something. 

We tried a couple rounds of prescription meds with no success, so yesterday they had me come in for IV fluids and more meds to perform the exorcism—I mean migraine purge. 

Wonderfully, it seems to have worked and I’m currently headache free. Which is really saying something because since I got home last night my body has been conspiring to cause me as much stress as possible. 

Such as the fact that my left eye swelled up like a balloon. Not even joking. It was nearly shut, my eyelashes disappeared, I couldn’t close the eye without it putting massive pressure on my eyeball. I spent the whole night looking like a cyclops. Or maybe more like a banished fire nation prince. Because the rest of me was still pretty. 

Went to sleep only to wake up two hours later with massive stomach flu problems. Pretty much camped out in the bathroom from midnight to five, and then snagged about an hour of sleep before everyone woke up and needed attention. 

To top that off, my eye is still swollen. If it sticks around much longer I’ll have to develop an interesting backstory for it. Because “it randomly blew up and I have no idea why” isn’t all that epic. 

One thing is certain. I am thankful for the Nick Jr channel, the fact that newborns sleep all the time, and that the alien migraine seems to have found a different host. 

All gifs from Google


  1. I'm glad the migraine is gone, at least! I've had a few of those, and they are debilitating. I can't imagine having ones that last more than a single day. Ugh.

    I totally believe they can be caused by hormones, btw. I got them when my midwife put me on low-dose birth control pills. Which also dried up my milk supply. Tossing those in the trash were one of the most satisfying things I've ever done. So... hope the hormones are settling down for you AND the flu goes away.

    Maybe you could just tell people your baby is mightier than their baby and packs quite a whallop?

  2. Ugh glad you kicked that. Sounds awful!
