
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Spring Is In My Hair

It isn’t in the air yet. 
The frost still has a bite. 
And the wind is never gentle. 
No way to fly a kite. 
No, it isn’t in the air yet
No matter how I wish
But spring is in my hair
I can feel it. 

It’s pulling on the strands, 
Wishing them away
To build and play and run
On every single day
To scatter life and growing
And splatter colors so 
But It has to go on hold 
Because springs only in my hair
And the air is still just cold

Oh what a sadness
What dismal gray cast skies
I want to see the greening
But the sparkles only in my eyes 
My nose can smell the sawdust
My hands can feel the fluff
But my brain looks out the window
And tells me just give up

Because the season is fickle
It likes to tempt and tease
When spring finally casts out winter
It will not be with ease
It might just cause a tempest 
It might force winds to blow
But soon enough the signs will come 
and then I’ll really know

But for now I’ll go on dreaming
With the tendrils in my hair
And wait for blessed spring time 
to finally reach the air