
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

March Recap

Hi guys!
I remember saying something about February sucked and hopefully March is better.
And while March definitely had some good things about it, it was not in fact better.
March Madness got a bit too literal.

Henry got a new bottle lamb, as my poor Viking baby, Fiske, didn't make it. This one's name is Finn, and he's such a hardy, happy little thing. I now spend most of my days outside watching the two of them (three if Scout joins in) play together.

We and the rest of the state of Nebraska, along with parts of South Dakota and Iowa got hit with a major storm that caused massive flooding and blizzards across the state. It was a hurricane, ok? No joke. Our place specifically didn't suffer too much damage, but people in our county lost so much, and neighboring towns had massive damage. Our donkeys did get washed away, but they found their way back about two days later, and were tired but just fine.

Despite being underwater, we've had an unnatural amount of fires. The loader caught on fire while Jarod was running it and burned to the ground. Which was technically February. And then during the flood he tried to move a neighbors truck to higher ground and it caught on fire. He got it out and nothing was hurt, luckily. Then while feeding, Shawny had the bale processor catch on fire. Nothing hurt there either, but they are both absolutely sick of fires and are threatening to go work at McDonald's where they don't have to operate heavy equipment. A friend has taken to calling them both Burner and double checking everything they drive to be sure it isn't going up in flames.

We spent days getting ready for the bull sale, having the bull sale, and then cleaning up. It turned out really well, and we were really glad, since we didn't know how things would be what with all the terrible aftermath of the storms.

I started giving guitar lessons again, which has been fun. Henry thinks its the greatest, and me and my student have a blast.

Spring seems to have officially arrived despite snow in the forecast later this week, and we've had some absolutely beautiful weather for playing and working in.

With spring comes spring works, and we branded one hundred calves yesterday. 

Jarod and my mom both had birthdays, and my parents' anniversary is today, so there has been much celebration, but no shopping trips to buy presents yet. Sorry guys.

I've been listening to the Sky in the Deep, and The Girl the Sea Gave Back playlists by Adrienne Young on Spotify. Most of it is in a different language, but I love the sounds.

Cortney Manning, a fellow Five Poisoned Apples author, released a novella called Yellow Bright this month. It's a quick read with an interesting spin on the Snow White stepmother, and a villain reminiscent of the Goblin King.

Lately my writing time has been looking like me running around in circles while everything goes up in flames. Figuratively that is. I'm neither Jarod nor Shawny. But I just can't seem to get anything done. I want to send out another batch of queries for Blood and Dust, but something keeps holding me back. I've been trying desperately to get the first draft of Mad Hatter done so I can just set the thing aside and let my brain relax a bit, but it's taking forever. And I still technically have Bad Boy to edit. But instead I'm toying with a Viking idea. So yeah. Flames everywhere.

Other than Henry's second birthday, I'm not sure what else is coming up.
Hopefully some sleep and dryer weather, but we'll see.

How was your March?  


  1. I'm so sorry about the flooding and the fires! Hopefully you'll have a better April. <3

  2. Girl!!! Ok, so like, sorry abt the rough parts (those are so many fires!), but you have my dream life 😍 Like, I just wanna be married, living on a ranch, have an adorable toddler and lots of animals. *tries hard to be content w/my life rn*

    1. I hear ya! That's all I wanted when I got out of high school.

  3. You never cease to amaze me. You're life is always crazy, but you seem to get stuff done regardless. It's inspiring!

    1. Thanks! Most the time it feels like I'm not getting anything done at all XD
