Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The ABCs of Pandemic Survival

Hello good folks. 
I’m coming to you today with a comprehensive list of how to survive a worldwide pandemic. Having made it this far, I’m basically an expert. Especially considering I was doing most of these long before social distancing started. 

A) Be a hermit.
It’s cool, really. Bilbo was a hermit and he’s loved worldwide. Don’t go outside, and if you do make sure it’s just to the boundary of your own garden. 

B) Be antisocial. 
Again, Bilbo perfected this, and he’s loved worldwide. It served him very well too. You’ll notice that when Bilbo broke his routine of antisocial hermit-hood, he was very nearly eaten by a dragon and thrown from the parapets by a gold deranged dwarf king. Avoid any such unpleasantness and all other people as well. 

C) Stock up on the essentials. 
Since you’ll be at home speaking to no one, you’re going to need a few things. I’m going out on a limb here and assuming you’re part of the population who didn’t make it to the store before the army of crazies descended and stole all the toilet paper. If that’s the case, may I suggest Imodium? A toilet paper pandemic is not the time to get the flu. Also, coffee. It prevents insanity, depression, and homicidal tendencies. (Results may vary) 

D) Binge watch
There’s never been a better time to watch your favorite shows. But, might I suggest taking into account the people you are isolated with? You’re already mentally taxed at this point. You really don’t want to have The Zombie Talk with a three year old. 

E) Binge cook 
All the recipes. Main dishes, side dishes, desserts and every dish in between. Remember though that trips to the grocery store are limited, ingredients are scarce, and there is no toilet paper anywhere. Binge cooking also tends to lead to binge eating, which could mean your pants won’t fit by the time this is all over. Binge with caution. 

F) Spring Clean. 
Use this time at home to tackle all the neglected cupboards and closets in the house. 
Actually, don’t. No one needs that kind of negativity. 

G) Video chat with friends and family. 
Just make sure you never actually enter the camera screen. I know we’d all like to think we’re rocking a cool apocalypse outfit, but we’re mostly rocking the look of death by anxiety and sleep deprivation, with an unhealthy dose of caffeine and sugar high. 

H) Home and yard improvement. 
Beautify your space! Just remember, social distancing applies to the hardware store also, and your bank account is empty because you bought all the groceries for binge cooking. 

I) Embrace the opportunities 
Never before has it been socially acceptable to cosplay on a daily basis in public. Are you just gonna let that slip by? Why stop at a basic face mask when you can dress like the worlds best supervillain. And I, I will be on my couch, laughing hysterically at the memes people make of you. 

J) Cruise Baby.
Talk your town into putting on a cruise night. Wave and honk at people like you actually like them. Pretend it’s the golden days and play oldies. Wear sneakers and poodle skirts if you want. Hype of the fact that your dad and husband are gonna tear up the town like they did as youngsters. Then stare in awe and shock as your little sisters get pulled over instead. 

K) Get a creative outlet. 
Now is the perfect time to start up a new novel or other art form. It’s also a great time to scream into the sky that you hate it. 

L) Procrastinate. 
Now is our time procrastinators. We can put off today what can be done tomorrow. Know why? Because we’ll still be stuck in the stupid house tomorrow. 

M) Internet shop. 
We’ve already spent most of our life savings. Why stop at most? 

N) memes. 
Memes are the answer to everything. They will get us through. 

O) Let it out. 
Yell. Scream. Cry. Whatever. 

P) social media. 
There’s some cool stuff going on with everyone trapped inside going insane. And no one can pick on you for staring at your phone because they’re all doing the exact same thing. Your move, boomer. 

Q) Don’t rule out zombies. 
Just because they haven’t arrived yet, doesn’t mean they won’t start. Also, vampires. We’ve all been locked inside away from sunlight for awhile. 

R) Read.
Old books, new books. Read them all. 

S) Garden.
Unless you live in Nebraska. 

T) Sled.
If you live in Nebraska this is your alternative to gardening.

I bet you thought I was going to go through the whole alphabet with tips huh? Or even that I would match the first letter of the tip to the corresponding letter of the alphabet. But no. Just because I have the time to do it doesn’t mean I’m going to waste my time doing it. 
It’s not like you can come over here and stop me. 

How are you getting by through this weird time? Are you still clinging to your sanity, or have you embraced the madness? 

DISCLAIMER: This is in no way meant to belittle or make light of the people who are struggling with this illness or are suffering job loss because of it. My heart absolutely goes out to them and I’ve been praying every day this will end soon. This post is strictly me trying to find a little humor in the insane times we find ourselves in. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Dance of Thieves book review

Hello all!
I hope you’re doing well—staying healthy and sane. 
I’ve recovered from the flu and am soaking in the sunshine, doing some yard work before the snow comes this weekend. #nebraskaweather

Today I’m going to be reviewing the Dance of Thieves duo by Mary E Pearson. 

It’s going to get a collective four stars from me—five stars for the story itself, but there was more cussing than I’d like so.

Here are the blurbs:

 Dance of Thieves:

A formidable outlaw family that claims to be the first among nations.

A son destined to lead, thrust suddenly into power.

Three fierce young women of the Rahtan, the queen's premier guard.

A legendary street thief leading a mission, determined to prove herself.

A dark secret that is a threat to the entire continent.

When outlaw leader meets reformed thief, a cat-and-mouse game of false moves ensues, bringing them intimately together in a battle that may cost them their livesand their hearts.

Vow of Thieves:

Kazi and Jase have survived, stronger and more in love than ever. Their new life now lies before themthe Ballengers will be outlaws no longer, Tor's Watch will be a kingdom, and the two of them will meet all challenges side by side, together at last.

But an ominous warning mars their journey back, and in their rush to return to Tor's Watch, just outside the fortress walls, they are violently attacked and torn apartand each is thrust into their own new hell.

Unsure whether the other is alive or dead, Kazi and Jase must keep their wits among their greatest enemies and unlikeliest allies. And all the while, Death watches and waits. 

The characters:

It’s been two years since a book kept me up all night reading it. These books ended that streak. (I bet you thought my sleep deprivation lately had to do with a new baby—wrong.) 

Kazi and Jase have securely wedged themselves into my top literary couples. At knife point.
They are everything I love in a character. Sassy, sweet, strong, broken. All in a nicely balanced way. 

Their interaction with each other is hilarious, and they’re one of the few fictional characters that actually felt like teenagers to me. Yes, they are outlaws and soldiers, but in the scenes where we got into their personal lives—especially the romantic aspect—they felt like kids to me, which was really refreshing. 

Jase really fascinates me. I definitely have a type, and there are certain things about Jarod that fit that type, but generally speaking he’s nothing like my fictional crushes. Except Jase. Jase is A LOT like Jarod. It was just a little bit disconcerting. Obviously Jarod’s not the leader of an outlaw family (or is he?) but I couldn’t help but think that if we plunged Jarod into this world, he would react the exact way Jase does. It was cool. Anyway, back to the story. 

The supporting characters were just as epic. I love Jase’s siblings, and his mom. Several of his brothers are hilarious, and I absolutely adore Kazi’s friends. I thought they really lended to the idea that all the characters were just kids as well. They talk too much, they wonder about adult things, etc. 

The Plot:

This was a very fun plot with all sorts of twists and turns. You really had to stay on your toes. It reminded me of a cleaner, sweeter Six of Crows. The scheming was so fun and it was a constant guessing game of who was playing who, and trying to decide if it was on purpose or if they really were having feelings. It really kept the emotional tension as full power. 

The books are tropey, but in a good way. Enemies to lovers, being trapped with someone you hate, all that wonderful awkward stuff. 

In short, I love these books. I will read them again and again. They are absolutely gorgeous inside and out. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Sick Leave

Hi guys.
Due to dying of stomach flu, I’m going to skip out on a blog post today. 

If you need me, you can find me curled up on one of the social media platforms, trying to trick my husband into believing Johnny Depp passed away before he realizes it’s April Fools Day. 

Stay vigilant!