Thursday, February 27, 2014

Another Round of Jake

After posting all those questions the other day for Jake, I realized that I'd forgotten to include some of the ones my sisters gave me to me. And they came up with some pretty darn good ones. And, since you all seem to like Jake quite a bit, I'm hoping you don't kill me for giving you more of him. I'm in a rush right now- might have to go pull a calf before Bible study and youth group- so I hope it's okay.

Q. How long does it take to fix your hair?
Jake. Whoa, hey. NO. FIXING my hair makes it sound like I'm a girl. I don't FIX my hair. I gel it, and spike it.
Me. That's fixing Jake. Answer the question.
Jake. *huff* It takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to get it just right. I don't know how long it takes to dye it.

Q. Why do you go to the music store all the time, if you never actually buy anything?
Jake. Because I like to go see all the new music that's there, and test out some of it in the back. That way I can decide what's worth downloading. It gives me a place to kill time too.

Q. If you were paralyzed from the waist down, what would you do?
Jake. I'd die. Just die.
Me. If dying wasn't an option. I'm not going to let you go out like that.
Jake. Power freak. Fine. I guess I'd just have to live with it, now wouldn't I? Maybe I could get one of those high power, racing wheelchairs.

Q. Why the blue Mohawk?
Jake. Because it looks cool. And I like blue. And my dad hates it. And it sends a clear message to everyone around me.
Me. What message Jake?
Jake. Stop popping in on my interview woman! What do you think when you see a guy with a blue Mohawk?
Me. Stay away from that guy. He's probably trouble.
Jake. Right there is your message.

And...I did end up having to pull a calf and I didn't get this finished yesterday, so you're getting it today. Sorry for the delay. I'm also doing school right now and have a busy day, so I'm not going to dig out pictures for this post.

Q. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
Jake. No, actually, I don't. That's not my brand of crazy.

Q. What grade are you in?
Jake. Well, I'm a Junior in high school, but this is the second time I've taken it.

Q. Favorite pop and candy bar?
Jake. I like Squirt and Zero bars. Does Monster count as a pop?

Q. Favorite band?
Jake. I don't have favorite bands really. I just pick songs I like. As long as they're not too slow and happy sounding I like them.

Q. What's something that scares you?
Jake. I'm not answering that.
Me. Come on Jake. They asked.
Jake. I don't care. I'm not going there. Isn't there a personal space law in these interviews?
Me. Jake.
Jake. An uprising of goldfish.
Me. Jake, my gosh.
Jake. Pink goldfish.

Q. Do you go to church?
Jake. No. I did sometimes when I was little, but me and dad actually agree on something- we don't need to go to church. Besides, don't they have some kind of dress code thing? Like, no unnaturally colored hair?

Q. What do you think of your writer?
Jake. Well, if she'll shut up long enough to let me answer, I'll tell you....That chick is flat out crazy. Totally. I mean, seriously. What did I ever do to her?? Way to ruin my life. I mean, sure. She gave me a cool sense of humor, and awesome taste in clothes and music, but that's kind of where our sweet happy relationship comes to a crash and burn collision. It'll be interesting getting to The End  with this lady. I keep seeing scribbles of paralyzation...I don't think that's a word... and death floating around...Don't let her kill me!

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