Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Camp NaNo 2018

Hello everyone!
This past April I participated in Camp NaNo. It's an offshoot of NaNoWriMo (National writing month) where instead of trying to write a fifty thousand word novel in the month, you can choose whatever word count goal you want, and try to reach it in the month of April.
This year I decided to work on my Bad Boy story, since it was only a couple thousand words long to begin with, and my goal was fifty thousand.
Honestly, I just set that number because that's the usual word count for a novel, but I had no intentions of actually reaching it. Camp NaNo was just something to occupy my time until I got the edits from Rooglewood Press, on my Red as Blood story (more about those in a different post).
Does anyone else have the problem where if you're told you can't do something, you want to do it that much more?
It can't just be me.
Everything went wrong that month. We had a freak blizzard blow up, and were without electricity for four days, so I was writing everything by hand.
Then the RAM in my laptop quit, and it was being repaired for nine days, so I did all of my writing using Notes on my phone.
All month long I was just a little bit behind my target word goal, and the idea of the month ending and missing my goal by a couple thousand bugged me to no end, so I kept on.
And, as evidenced by the lovely button up there, I won! I made it to 50K, with a little bit extra!
Bad Boy, is nowhere near finished though. I'd say it's only at about the halfway point. But that's ok! It's a great start, and I've got it on pause for right now to work on Red as Blood edits, but the first draft should definitely be completed this year.
Most of the new stuff I wrote is still on paper or in my phone, so I'm not going to post any snippets just yet. But soon!
Now, I'm off to either wash dishes, or do some more editing. I'll decide which one on the way.
What about you? Did you do anything fun in April? Did anything go horribly wrong? Did your stubbornness kick in and spur you to action? Do tell. I'd love to hear from you.


  1. The fact that you got 50,000 words out during all that is amazing! You have dedication, and I'm super proud and impressed by you!
