Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Hello There, November

Hi guys!
I really can't believe it is already November. Where has this year gone?
According to my calendar, October was pretty slow. There was only one thing written on it the whole month (Trim Flint's feet).
Despite the empty look of the calendar, October was fairly busy.

We were harvesting pretty much all October long, (just finished yesterday. Yay!) so me and Henry were busy making and delivering lunches for the guys. We got to ride in the combine with Jarod a few times, and Henry had a blast seeing the corn fill up the bin.

Me and Henry also went with my dad and youngest sister to a horse sale in Quinter Kansas. I hadn't been there since I was a kid, and really enjoyed it. The horses were gorgeous, and the food was outstanding. Seriously, even if you have no interest in buying horses, you need to go just for the apple cake.

I took Henry Trick or Treating. He was a turtle, and I went as Abby from NCIS. It was really fun this year, since he actually kind of knew what was going on. The first few houses he was kind of shy, and then he figured it out and was excited to go from door to door.

I also started writing on my phone in the Notes app, and oh my goodness it adds so many words to my word count. I'm usually only on my phone when I'm rocking Henry or something like that, but I can get a lot written during those times that I would normally be on Facebook.
As empty as October was, November is pretty much covered from start to finish with things to do. Go to the doctor, meet people, holidays, family coming. Not to mention Nano is overlapping all of it.

 Perhaps the most obvious one is NaNoWriMo. I'm on track with word count but not ahead, so I'm hoping I can get some extra writing time in before all the holiday craziness starts.

 Jarod's mom and her boyfriend will be visiting us for Thanksgiving and we're all going to go see Jarod's aunt and cousins on that side of the family. I'm really excited for everyone to see how much Henry has changed since the last time they were together.

I have another article launching with Story Embers this month that I am very excited about, so I'll keep you all up to date on when it's coming out.

I've been listening to The Greatest Showman soundtrack on repeat for days.

My sister and dad have back-to-back birthdays, the 21st and 22nd, so amidst all the turkey and gravy we will have to fit in some birthday cake as well.

Deer hunting season starts this weekend! I am ready guys. I am so ready.

I'm not sure what all December is gonna hold, other than the obvious Christmas.

We will be attending a wedding in Oklahoma, which means I'm going to go see the Pioneer Woman Mercantile.
Right before Christmas.
It's like a dream come true.

What are you guys doing this month?
I want to hear about it.


  1. Sounds like you have fun plans for November. Nanowrimo has basically eaten up my whole month.

    1. I hope they turn out fun! The way the first part of the month has gone I'm hoping I don't want to light everything on fire by the end of it.

  2. Glad harvesting went well! And it sounds like writing is going well too! Have a great November, Maddie!

  3. Hi there! I enjoyed reading this post! Since it was my first one yo read on your blog I was a little confused lol...but I think I figured it out. Is Henry your son and Jarod your husband? I came in with the assumption that you were a single teen still living at home for some reason so I was really confused 😂

    1. Hi! So glad you stopped by!
      Lol yes, you are correct! Henry is our little boy (almost 2) and Jarod and I have been married for 2.5 years.
      Oh yes! That would be confusing! When I started this blog that’s exactly what I was, but it’s been a while :) I’m glad you enjoyed the post!
