Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Language of Worlds—May/June

Hi guys! 

I’m rolling in a little late today. Henry and I went for a ride with Jarod this morning, and I had no ideas for a blog post. 

Luckily, Liv K. Fisher saved the day when she posted her Language of Worlds linkup for May/June. 

I’ve been working on a Viking story for the Go Teen Writers 100 for 100 challenge...which is hilarious because I haven’t written anything for three days. *distant sobbing*

The main character is a girl named Ailith. I’m still trying to figure her out, but these questions looked really good, so here we go. 

1. Your character goes on a leisurely stroll. Where to?

The currently unnamed world Ailith lives in is heavily inspired by the Scottish Highlands. It’s very lush, pretty countryside. So anywhere Ailith walks to is going to be fairly amazing. Mountains, streams, waterfalls. She’s particularly fond of the pools where the minerals make the water look impossibly blue. 

2. What's their favorite food? Why? What does it taste like?

I’m really not sure what all her people eat yet. Lots of wild game, and crops/vegetables they grow, plus whatever wild things they forage. But as far as favorites, there is a type of honey cake they make that Ailith really likes. 

3. Describe their typical day.

Wake up early and train with her shield bearer, Kaede, then get started with the days work. It could be fishing, working the fields, hunting, or tending things around the home. A midday meal with her family, and then finish up any work, and then spend the evening playing games or attending activities in the village. 

4. When are they most productive? Morning, evening, or sometime in-between?

She’s a morning person, definitely. 

5. Who are they closest to?

Her mom, and I think she’s going to have a sibling or two, but I’m still deciding. Probably Kaede though. They’ve been friends for years, and I’m pretty sure he’s going to end up my favorite. 

6. Have they ever lost someone close to them?

She lost her dad in a raid several years ago. Her clan isn’t necessarily a warring one, but there are frequent raids and revenge fights, so she’s lost lots of friends and relatives along the way. 

7. Describe their education.

She can read and write in her language, and—along with all the other young people—grew up learning the stories of their history, and all about how to live and work off the land. 

8. What is their talent?

I know she’s an excellent fighter, but haven’t figured anything out beyond that yet. 

9. When do they doubt themself? What makes them do so?

I don’t know yet, I’m still working on that part. But I think it has something to do with her fighting skills failing her. That her sword isn’t enough and she doesn’t know what else to turn to. 

10. When do they feel most comfortable/cozy?

Sitting around the fire in the evening with her family and Kaede, enjoying each other’s company. 

There you go! 
You can scurry over to 
To see the other linkups. 


  1. Love a Scottish setting! She sounds awesome!

  2. This sounds really interesting! Is it a historical fiction or a fantasy? Sorry, a bit new here.

    1. Hi! Thank you. I suppose it would be classified as fantasy since I'm not using actual Vikings from history, and my world is a made up one, but there isn't going to be any magic in it.
