Friday, November 6, 2015

Slumber Party

Mmmhmmm. This is exactly what it looks like. 
I, the great 20 year old optician, have been invited to a slumber party.
It's for all the girls from church, as our pastor is going to be gone for the week. So we are loading up and invading his house and going to have a high old time with his wife. 
Technically speaking, I'm going so the other girls have a ride home, as none of them can drive.
But the deep dark truth of it is- they all want me to come. 

Jarod even wanted me to go. He overheard my minions talking about it and grinned all crooked and informed me that I better go to that. 
Then later when I said I was debating going he informed me that I need to go and spend some quality time with my sisters. 
It's time to partay!!

Of course, when he realized that it was this weekend, and I would in fact be gone, during the weekend, when he is home, when I would normally be with him, and that I wouldn't actually be with him, that he wouldn't be able to see me, that I wouldn't have cell service or internet...
he began to question his life choices. 

Too bad for him.

This isn't the first Pastor is Gone Sleepover I've attended. We had one last year too. That turned out rather nicely. Watched an odd combination of Maleficent and The Ghost and The Darkness. (I feel so naughty when watching movies and I am able to run the mute button with so much proficiency that onlookers who have never seen the show before wonder why it randomly goes quiet for certain instants and then comes back.) 
We ate ungodly amounts of popcorn and candy and stayed up waaaay too late. I tried to go to bed at a respectable hour, but minions think it is perfectly acceptable to sneak into my room, and steal my electronics and- get this- leave the light on when they leave and think I wont notice.

Based on last years results, I think this weekend should be fun. 
I'm a bit worried however. 
You see, I've been screaming. 
In my sleep. 
A lot.

For three nights in a row I have either screamed or yelled out random stress filled sentences. 
I don't really want to do that at a slumber party. 
I have no control over what I say when I'm asleep. 
What if my subconscious betrays me??

The horror. 


  1. Sounds like a blast, ha ha me and my friend are awful at muting or trying to bleep out words. We always watch it go oh, and yell beep after the word has already been said.
    I hope you have tons of fun, and don't randomly scream ;)
    If you do though, don't worry I've done it. My friends thought it was funny.

    1. Haha, that's how my mom does it. Only she makes a police siren noise XP
      Haha, oh golly
