Monday, February 23, 2015

My Un-birthday

It's my un-birthday so this is a post all about me.
These came from my Pinterest board MY STYLE. I only put things on there that describe me so perfectly that it scares me.
So, without further ado,
A list of things you may or may not know about me.
I do. I hear rain and I'm just like "Ah. Perfect."

Honestly. My teacher told me my freshman semester that my informative essay was well written, but it sounded really mean.


It's fun.

This kills my mom. She hates it.
She says "You're killing me."
And I'm like "You're killing me slow, but I ain't ready to die!"


Yes. Just yes.
I was trying to be mean, and you took it as funny....


Every. Semester.

It does. I love writing. Even when I think I hate writing, I love it. Sometimes I just need different writing outlets. Like novels, then grocery lists, then scripts for youtube videos, then blog posts. I love writing.

Me and the Minions.

Tis true.

Seriously. When I get the house alone I do the exact same things I usually do, except in the living room. If I do anything different it will always be watching Avatar/Legend of Korra, or watching The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, cause I can't watch those when anyone is home.

Oh my word, I wish my windows were tinted darker!

I would think being single would scare people away from asking for my advice, but no.

What's the downside to that?

This is 70% of my sleep problems.

Yeah. Books, movies, writing, much to talk about.

It's true. I have pictures of me as an infant, sound asleep.

Yes. When the Hobbit goes off, the music comes on.

Do. Not. Make. Me. Speak. To. People. I. Love.

I mentioned this earlier....

No. I'll probably insult someone who's standing next to you.

I kid you not.
....I do this a lot. Because my driver does this a lot.

I'm not joking. I hate the thought.

So glad I'm not the only one.


This is the only way I get anything done. It blocks out the minions.
Only problem is the little alarms that go off in my music when people decide to add me to group conversations that I'm not part of.
Stop texting every three seconds!

I feel like this is me a lot of the time.

Yes to this.

True on all accounts.

The story of my life!!
(Why yes, I did just sing that)

Uh huh.

I think this a lot.

Tell me about it.

Pretty much. Or Minion 1 has literally drug me away before I could get it out.

Pretty much.


It's true love!!
Truer words have never been posted on this blog.
There you have it!
Thanks for celebrating my un-birthday with me :)


  1. We are almost-twins xD

    Happy Un-Birthday!!!!! :) Can I say that? Or no? What even is an un-birthday? I'm confused xD

    1. Wild Horse, haven't you watched Alice in Wonderland? Maddie, we need to help this poor unfortunate soul. This is... Oh dear...

      Loved the post by the way! I'm quite a bit like you too, although from the sounds of it a bit nicer. I tease, but I'm not mean. ;)

    2. Nice!

      ACK!! You must watch Alice in Wonderland! It explains all! It's just a day that isn't your birthday, lol, sheer madness.

    3. Brooke, we must indeed. One simply can't go through life without a little mad hatter thrown in.

      Thank you :) Hahah, well that is a good thing. Not to quote Divergent, but "I'm still having trouble with the kind part" XP

    4. I have never seen or been able to get into the book of Alice in Wonderland! Should I force myself to? I am missing to much!?

    5. I've only just started the book, so I don't know, but the movies I love- Especially the newest version with Johnny Depp in it. The book does seem to be almost identical to the cartoon though, so I'm sure I'll like it. At least watch the movie.

  2. This was awesome, we have a lot in common, My music scares everyone :) I do that when no one is home too, I also dance around and sing at the top of my lungs. :D Alice in Wonderland is one of my faves.

  3. Some of these I can totally relate to. Actually, when I read "I'm Not the Only One" on this post, I immediately started singing the chorus. Though I live in fear of hurting people's feelings, I find sarcasm, in all forms, hilarious. You should read the Percy Jackson series. These pics were so funny. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Nice!! Haha. I don't want to hurt feelings, but the phrase "Open mouth, insert foot" has been known to apply to me at times.
      I read the first book years ago, and this year when I decided to read the whole series, they disappeared from the library and never returned!
