Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Hello darlings (said in my best British imitation)
How are all you lovelies this fine day?
I happen to be befuddled.

My Mom-Mommy said something the other day about ordering my Daddy-kin his valentines day present. And I stopped. I actually stopped and thought
Are Valentines still a thing? Do we still do that?

Now I know little kindergarteners still like to get those boxes of Scooby Doo and Hello Kitty cards that say ridiculous little rhymes that make everyone feel so special...just like everyone else who got identical ones. My mom is a bus driver and she comes home every Valentines Day with her purse overflowing with sticky loving tokens from her little passengers.
(I kid you not, I had this valentine as a small child...I still probably have some..)

But are real valentines still a thing? You know the kind I'm talking about. The anonymous ones. The kind me and my best friend used to make for the special someone we adored that week. The ones with paper hearts glued to the front and ridiculous handwritten poems inside. The ones that never got send and ended up piling up in an old folder in the desk, only to be discarded years later.
The ones that you get for that special someone, strategically place, and hope they guess right as to who gave it. The kind you give in hopes of getting one back. Do those still happen? I don't know.

My mom and dad are married (is that a duh? I think that's a duh), so they have to give each other gifts...honestly I don't think my dad is getting her anything, but you get my meaning.
But what about the rest of us? Are valentines dead?

I suppose I still have a bit of time to decide.


  1. Honestly, I have an album full of all the old Scooby Doo and etc. valentine's I've gotten over the past few years. It's a pretty big collection. :)
    I do think that those real valentines should exist. It would be a cool and nice thing to do. Although, I've never actually seen anyone make them before. I guess, I'm just in the mood for Valentine's Day this year since I'm planning a dance for my school.

    Carly @ Books and Etc

    1. I kept my favorite ones! I have one of aliens pointing guns at you and informing you that you will be my valentine.

      I agree! Even if its not romantic ones. Me and my sisters make them for each other and our parents every year. Those are the only valentines I've given in years, but I love doing them.
      Oh! That sounds fun.

  2. I think it's sweet that there is a whole day dedicated to showing people you love them, but honestly, I think that its aimed (commercially) couples, or couples-to-be. Neither of which I am. And while it's sweet, it also makes me kinda want to puke (especially since I have to watch everything going on at school).

    We never gave each other cards when I was a kid. In fact, I would be surprised if my peers were aware of it before the age of 10. It doesn't really mean much until high school- and again, just for couples, no anonymous cards or anything.

    1. I think it kind of stinks that it has been stolen by those sappy boyfriend and girlfriends. People forget that there is all kinds of love. We love family and friends without being romantic.

  3. I'm one of those people, that when people say "Love is in the air." I'm all like "Kill it."
    Used to love those Scooby Valentine's though.
