Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sisterhhood of the World Bloggers Award

So, Wild Horse nominated me for this award. Much thanks goes out.

  • thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. 
  • put the award logo on your blog. 
  • answer the ten questions they’ve set you. 
  • make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer. 
  • nominate ten people.
The Questions:

What is your favorite story no one has ever heard of?
Oh boy...that's a hard one. Most people haven't heard of Green Rider. It's not my favorite story, but it's one I definitely like that no one ever knows about.  

Your life is now the last movie/TV show you watched. What was that? And are you happy or worried?
 Alright, my life is now Grimm. I'm happy, but also worried. There's a lot of freaky things running around in that show. If I have access to the weapons in Nick's trailer, I'm just fine.
You are about to be marooned on an island. You get a pistol and a book. Which book?
 My Ultimate Guide to Survival, thank you.
Favorite type of cookie?
 Chocolate Chip. Undercooked, with milk chocolate chips. None of those semi sweet things.
Do you dance in the rain?
I haven't I a long time, but when I was little, I used to sing and dance in the rain. I'd sing "Praise The Lord, Praise The Lord, let the earth hear his voice" at the top of my lungs.
What do you look for in a friend?
Someone that I feel comfortable talking to about real things, and who is comfortable talking to me. Someone who doesn't think they are better than everyone else, and someone who isn't afraid to get out in the world. I don't want to have to drag them behind me in everything. We need to go into world domination together.
Now that I am King (or Queen, maybe), will you bring me cookies?
(Or woman)
The longest you've gone without sleep?
 Well, lets see...36 hours I believe.
What do you know about New Zealand? 
 It replaces Old Zealand...Or would it be just plain old Zealand?

Tell me something you are scared of.  
Hmmm, well, I'm mildly afraid of heights. Not like Four is, but mildly. I'm incredibly afraid of failure.

Okay, I tag
Guys...I know it said ten, but I just want to go to bed right now. I have sixteen followers. Let's hang the rules, and just say all of you are tagged. All of you! Tag, you're it!!
Here are the questions:
1. Are you doing anything out of the ordinary in honor of Valentines Day?
2. What time do you usually go to bed?
3. Will you help me in my quest for world domination?
4. What are the key elements needed to make a story your favorite?
5. What time do you usually get up?
6. Do you venture outside in the cold or bundle up with chocolate and a book?
7. Is there a book you have started, and want to finish, but just can't make yourself sit down and read it? *cough* The Death Cure *cough*
8. Do you hate the interstate?
9. Do you have a favorite person from history?
10. Is there something I should know? ;)



  1. I WILL RULE ANYWAY. Your Queen is not sure if she should laugh or be offended. She's going to laugh.

    I loved your answers. Thanks for doing the tag :))

    1. Enjoy it while it lasts ;)
      Oh that's good.

      Haha thanks for tagging me.

  2. Thanks for the tag Maddie, I feel bad because I have a few you tagged me for that I haven't done I'm going to do this one soon though. I am on the first season of Grimm and loving it.

    1. No need to feel bad, and idyll ever think "stop bloody tagging me!" Or just don't want to do it, just hang it and don't. I won't mind.
      Oh!! Great! You must keep watching. It only gets worse xp
