Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Maybe I Will...New story idea!

So like a year ago (whenever I read The Hunger Games) I was thinking about how it was wrote in present tense. I thought that was pretty weird, how the reader got to read it as it was happening. That was the first book I'd ever read that way. That got me to thinking about tenses and person. I write in first person, and third person. Never have tried second person, but it might be fun. And I usually write only in past tense. Present tense is hard for me, even to read. But I told my sister- what if someone tried to write in future tense.
That's what she said. But seriously, what if someone wrote a story that hadn't happened yet? She told me it was nuts....isn't that a normal thing for writers? But I put the idea away. Then I read Divergent- another present tense story. And the idea came back. So this morning while I was watching the gate while my dad fed calves, I used the notes in my ipod and started writing the story. It was hard at first, but it's getting easier. And I've already got a pinboard made for it.
Anyway, the story is written by this girl (I'm temporarily calling her May until I think of a better name. It's sometime medieval, and there is this thing called The Choosing ('this thing' I know. Sorry. I just started working on it this morning, so it's underdeveloped). What the choosing is, is that whenever the kingdom has a prince who comes of age, they take all the eligible girls and let him pick which one he wants to marry (Think Queen Esther from the Bible). The girls who don't get chosen are kind of marked for life after that as being undesirable, so everyone is thankful that the choosing doesn't take place every year, so most girls never have to worry about. But this year there is a Choosing, and May is in it. The story starts out with May waking up in the middle of the night, terrified about what will happen at The Choosing tomorrow. To try and calm herself down she imagines how the ceremony will go. Who she will meet, what she will do. She imagines it as being not so bad and things turning out alright. The catch is, none of it has happened yet. So at the end of the story, we realize, she still doesn't know what's going to happen in the morning.

I've imagined her having dark hair, and big eyes. These eyes aren't quite right, but I like the feeling the picture gives. She'll try to get everything just right.

The girls go through a whole bunch of tests and activities to narrow down the choices.

And then he chooses one.
Sound cool? I sure hope it turns out as cool on paper- er computer screen- as it sounds in my head.

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