Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet- Book Review

Today I'm reviewing Stephanie Morrill's book, The Revise Life of Ellie Sweet. I know I'm a little late, since the second book in the series has just come out, but I've only read the first one so far, so that's what you're getting.

Here's the description for it. I'm awful at describing a book with any form of emotional stability, so this is from goodreads.

Ellie Sweet is a lot of things—good girl, novelist, silent adorer of the new boy at school, Palmer. But when “outcast” gets added to the list, she decides it’s time to take reality into her own hands … and tweak it as needed.

In the pages of her book, she’s Lady Gabrielle, favorite of the medieval Italian court. Her once-friends are reduced to catty ladies-in-waiting, and the too-charming Palmer—who in real life never spares her a second word—gets to be nothing more than a rake wracked by unrequited love for her. She even has a perfect real-life villain in the brooding Chase, who hails from the wrong side of town.

But just when she’s getting along great in her fictional world, the real one throws her a few curves. With Chase pursuing her, Palmer wanting to date her—but in secret—and the details of her manuscript going public, Ellie suddenly receives more attention than she ever really wanted. And when her former-friends discover what she’s been writing, they’re determined to teach Ellie a lesson about the severe consequences of using her pen as her sword.

I won this book through Stephanie's blog Go Teen Writers (if you haven't heard of it, go check it out. It's amazing. 
I hadn't read any of Stephanie's books before and to be honest I wasn't sure how well I was going to like a 
story with no battles, dragons, or tyrannical governments. For being my first experience with this kind 
of book though, it was definitely a good choice. I couldn't put it down. Literally. I took it with 
me in the tractor and read all day till I finished it. My younger sister read it before I did and had been
hounding me to read it, and she couldn't believe I got through it that fast. The humor in it is amazing, 
and the suspenseful drama totally makes up for the lack of giant flying lizards. The sequel, The Unlikely Deput 
Of Ellie Sweet is out now and neither of us can wait to get it. 
My rating for the book is gonna have to be a five. It's not what I normally read, but it totally hooked me. 
Go read it! 

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