Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Fave Reads from 2013

Okay, I saw this over at  http://inklinedwriters.blogspot.com/2013/12/13-books-of-2013.html so in honor of the new year, here is a list of my top 13 favorite books I read this year. Some of them have been published for a long time, some are brand new. The first six are in order of being my favorite, but I really couldn't decide which series I liked best so I just set them as every other. Then after that 7-10 were all a mash up of which I liked best, and then there's my next three at the bottom.

#1. Clockwork Angel- Cassandra Clare(I will forever be in love with William Herondale)
#2. Divergent- Veronica Roth (I am in love with Four)
#3. Clockwork Prince- Cassandra Clare (I'm still in love with Will- but it turns out I also love Jem)
#4. Insurgent- Veronica Roth (Now I love Tobias)
#5. Clockwork Princess- Cassandra Clare (Yup. Still love Will. And Jem....)
#6. Allegiant- Veronica Roth (Amidst my tears and fits of depression and book withdrawal, I'm still in love with the boy with a number for the name)
#7. Matched- Ally Condie (Now I'm loving a boy named Xander....but also a boy named Ky)
#8. Running Lean- Diane L. Sharples (Not only did she send me her autograph, she made it easy for me and gave me one boy. I love him)
#9. Viral Nation- Shaunta Grimes (So there's this guy named Jude....)
#10. Legend- Marie Lu (Well, the guy I liked died right away. So I guess now it's Day)
#11. The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet- Stephanie Morrill (I like Palmer. No it's Chase. No back to Palmer...Chase)
#12. The Iron Marshall- Louis L'amoure (I like the guy...but I can't remember his name...Tom...Shanigy!)
#13. Utah Blaine- Louis L'amoure (I liked Utah. He's like the only guy in the book)
There ya have it. Anyone want to join me in fangirling?
If not- Get reading!

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