Monday, June 16, 2014

Decisions, Decisions.

Well, I've got roughly seventy pages left to type of Blaze. As I'm reading through everything that I wrote on it years ago I'm pretty pleased. There are a few places where I didn't add enough description so it seems rushed, but I can spot them and I know I'll be able to fix them. And of course issues like Does Blade sleep with his sword on? Then why is he wearing it when he just woke up? Make the boy go get it!
But things like that are easily dealt with.
Since I'm so close to finishing typing it, and I'm technically finished writing the first draft, I'm trying to decide which story to write next. During the car ride yesterday I wrote a list of all of my stories.

Stories I started when I was little. Finished and not so much. Some of them had really good ideas, they just need a more mature hand to write them. I could go back and start on them.

Stories that I've started in the last couple years that aren't quite finished.

Short stories, and stories I co-authored with a friend that I would like to take my characters out of and do something fun with.

And then a list of ideas that I haven't started at all, but that seem pretty brilliant in my head.
It's a daunting task.
But I am dauntless ;)
Right now I think I'd probably better focus on one of my more recent stories. The story worlds are still pretty fresh in my mind, and it will take less work than trying to reconstruct some of my old works.

Minion 1 tells me I'm absolutely forbidden from starting a completely new idea before I finish the others I've started, so I guess that's that.
I'm forbidden.
So that puts my choices down to:
Raising Rebels
Beautiful Things
Jake's Story

The blurbs are on My Stories page, if you want to look at them and give me your vote. I've been asking Minion 1 for weeks and she won't tell me which one she wants first.


  1. My very favorite story idea is Maybe I Will, but since that one isn't on your list I guess I'll vote for Purpose, with Raising Rebels second. :)

    I'm really excited to read your story! Good for you for finishing it! I have three more chapters in my book The Paths of Thyme, so I know how hard it is to finish things.

    1. I really like Maybe I Will too, but Minion 1 read The Selection recently and when she heard my story she said they were very close, so now I'm reading the selection and they are pretty darn similar, so I'm trying to work out a way to make it more original.
      Okay! I love both of those so much. They have such fun characters.

      It's a rainy day so I've been working on typing Blaze all morning! I'm getting closer!!
      Oh that's great though! At least you're to a point where you can pin down how much you have left.

  2. Jake's Story, I love it. Wow, your fast at typing your stories out.

    1. Jaake!! I love him XP haha, it feels like it's taking forever XP
