Friday, July 11, 2014

Beautiful People

Hello everyone! The new set of Beautiful People  questions are up, and since my brain is so fried from VBS and other stuff, but I'm severely overdue for a blog post, I thought I'd answer them for today. That and I did promise to give you some peaks into my NaNoWriMo story, The Dynamic Duo. Is anyone else doing camp nano? If you are, there's a standing invitation to anyone who wants to join the cabin I'm in. Anyway, on to the Q and A. I'll be using the two point of view characters in the story, Anthony and Leslie.
Ladies first.
(Leslie's hair cut and color change all the time, so it's hard to find a picture that really looks like her, but this is one that reminded me of her) 
1) What’s their favorite food? (Bonus: favorite flavor of chocolate!)
Leslie's favorite food is Lemon Pepper Chicken, but she doesn't get to eat it much anymore, because she and her dad are both pretty mediocre cooks. Her favorite flavor of chocolate would be milk chocolate.

 2) What do they absolutely hate? 
She absolutely hates when people judge by appearances. This is mostly because she get's judged a lot based on things like pink highlights and semi-punk wardrobes.

3) What do they enjoy learning about? 
Leslie is smart and enjoys learning about anything school wise. More recently though she's been enjoying learning about Anthony and Mark.

4) Who is the most influential person in their life? 
Her dad. She has a great daddy/daughter relationship with him, and will take nearly anything to him when she needs help.

5) What is their childhood fear? 
Her childhood fear was that the dentist was going to find a cavity in her tooth.

6) What is something they have always secretly dreamed of doing, but thought impossible? 
She has secretly dreamed of being a singer- music is her life- but small town Nebraska isn't exactly the best place to make it big.

7) What is something she is impractically afraid of? 
Thunderstorms. She does not like thunderstorms at all. Which is really sad for her because Nebraska get's those like a toddler gets under foot.

8) Are they a night owl or morning person? 
Leslie is definitely a night owl. Movies, popcorn, the whole shebang.

9) Do they say everything that pops into their head, or leave a lot unsaid? 
She says anything that pops into her head, which is usually alright, but some people -*cough* Anthony *coughcough* Mark- can get her all flustered (in two totally different ways) and then she starts blurting things that can be not so alright.

10) What are their nervous habits?
She pushes her bangs out of her face when she's nervous, which is odd since most people like to hide behind their bangs, but she pushes them back all the time.

Now on to Anthony.

1) What’s their favorite food? (Bonus: favorite flavor of chocolate!) 
Anthony really isn't too specific when it comes to food, as long as it doesn't give him food poisoning, but if he thinks he's got a little extra cash and is going to get something nice, he's going to hit McDonalds or some kind of fast food joint. And he's a white chocolate kind of guy. Zero bars all the way.

2) What do they absolutely hate? 
He absolutely hates touchy feely kind of people. He wants his space. Come into his space and there are going to be some problems. Mark is part of his space, so he also hates it when people try to get close to Mark. It throws off his groove.

3) What do they enjoy learning about? 
Anthony is a genius in school, but he really doesn't enjoy it that much. He purposefully flunked junior year so he could stay with Mark and help him out. Mark is always telling him he needs to just graduate and move on to college, but he's not about to do that.

4) Who is the most influential person in their life? 
His parents have had the most influence on him, but in a totally negative way. He looks at everything they do and runs the other direction. Even though he would never ever admit it, they are the deciding factors in everything he does.

5) What is their childhood fear? 
That he would lose Mark. That his mom would get custody, or his dad would come back, and they would be separated.

6) What is something they have always secretly dreamed of doing, but thought impossible? 
Anthony doesn't dream very far ahead. As long as he can pay the rent and keep an eye on Mark he's content.

7) What is something he is impractically afraid of? 
Anthony is impractically afraid of women, but he won't admit it. He'd say he hates them, but really it's mostly a crazy fear.

8) Are they a night owl or morning person? 
Under different circumstances he might have been a night owl, but as it is, he is so busy with work, school, and helping Mark that when he gets done he is totally ready for bed.

9) Do they say everything that pops into their head, or leave a lot unsaid? 
With Mark he will say whatever he thinks, but with everyone else he usually keeps his mouth shut, or makes things so vague that no one knows if he's insulting them or complimenting them. As a rule, he leaves things unsaid.

10) What are their nervous habits?
When he's nervous he pushes his fingers through his hair, or else rubs the back of his neck.

There you go! I hope you like them. I promise I'm going to have a non-writing related post coming up for next week. I've got a few ideas floating around, so there will be some fresh reading material for you guys.


  1. I really like Leslie, she seems like a really neat and sweet character. I can't wait to hear more about The Dynamic Duo! :)

    1. She is a complete sweetheart. It's actually hard for me to write her because she is so far off from what my girl characters normally are xp
      Good! I'll bring more around later.

  2. I totally understand Leslie's childhood fear! That was mine too. x) And I'm with her on the milk chocolate too. oh the deliciousness. Anthony sounds really awesome too. Genius? I love writing really smart's such a sense of power. Heh! Thanks for linking up with us. ;)

    1. It's a very legitimate fear, lol. It was mine too. Milk chocolate is the best.
      Oh yes it's been fun. I don't usually write overly smart people but Anthony is coming along nicely.
      Welcome! Thanks for commenting.

  3. Leslie sounds like a great character! Your answer to her question 10 is intriguing because I push my bangs into my face when I get nervous. :) Anthony sounds so complex and amazing, too! Can't wait to learn more about them and Mark!


    1. Thanks! Yeah I usually push my hair into my face an then push it back and forth when I'm nervous. I constantly mess with it.
      I hope I can write him as complex as his outline is because I think he'll be really cool that way.
      Thanks! I look forward to sharing more about them.
      Thanks for commenting!

  4. The title: The Dynamic Duo is really intriguing, even if it makes me think of Batman and Robin first. :) I'm curious to see if that is going to be a reference of any type!

    Your characters feel so real and solid and I love that you included pictures. It helps develop them even more in my head :)

    1. What's interesting is that I didn't know that people referred to Batman and Robin by that name. I actually had the phrase from *sheepish grin* Oliver and Co. And when I looked up the meaning of Dynamic and Duo it really seemed to fit Mark and Anthony. But now that I know about Batman and Robin I may have to do a little research and see if I could make it reference somehow :)

      Thanks, I'm glad they seem real. I always worry that they seem like cardboard cutouts. Oh I HAVE to have pictures or else I will never be able to write them.

      Thank you for commenting!

    2. Yes! Definitely see if you can wiggle in a reference. You could also reference Oliver and co, though too :) I think it's a popular title for other things too.

      Nope! Definitely not cardboard cutouts. And I love including pictures too!

    3. Right now I'm doing it for camp nanowrimo so in just jotting down things I need to look up (like epilepsy in teenagers) and I'm going to work that all in after I get the first draft done.
      Yeah I think it's popular. I searched dynamic duo on Pinterest and lots of different things came up, so I at least wont be copying just batman.
      Oh good, that gives me hope.

  5. Hello! I pulled this post up from the linkup forever ago (well, really only a few days) but it seems you found me first through the same. I've loved reading and responding to your comments!

    I very much enjoyed reading about Leslie and Anthony. And, indirectly, Mark. They're a very interesting trio, it seems. I love them both, they're really interesting yet very real at the same time.

    What's The Dynamic Duo about? You don't have a blurb on your "My Stories" page, so I'm quite curious.

    the writeress @ barefoot in the snow

    1. Hi! Yeah, I saw your Beautiful People posts too and loved reading them. Thanks for commenting!

      Thank you, I'm glad you like them.

      Oh! I don't have a blurb?? *runs to fix that* In short, it's a story about two brothers living in small town Nebraska, and a girl moves in to town and starts to like one brother. It's kind of like a love triangle (but not romantic- bromance) Where the sister wants the brother, but the brother doesn't want anything to come between them. But I will put up a more detailed blurb for you guys.

    2. Excellent! I'll go read that after I'm finished here.

      Yes, I was wondering at first if they were gay, until I realized they're brothers. I love it when brothers (or guys who are like brothers) have a good relationship like that.

      Sounds awesome! I'm certainly excited to read more.

  6. Yeah I had to make sure I got in that they were actually brothers because it sounded like they could be gay even to me, and I don't write those types of things. But yes I love those close relationships that guys can have.
