Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Novel Idea

Hello readers! It's time for A Novel Idea, hosted by Ashley Strawser. (Happy Birthday to Ashley by the way!) I've missed two, so I decided to answer the first set of questions using all three boys from Running Crazy, since they've all been giving me fits developing their personalities lately. The second set I will answer using the girls from Running Crazy.
Reeve Matthew Coughnel
1. Are they a dog or cat person? Or neither? 
Reeve doesn't have any pets, but if he were to get one it would definitely be a dog, not a cat. Preferably a big dog.
2. What is their favorite season? 
He really likes summer time. He gets to be out of school, work more hours, and has more time to spend with friends.
3. What music do they listen to?
He likes Christian Rock. His grandma got him start listening to contemporary Christian music, and then he discovered some of the more hard core artists and started listening to them.
4. IF they’re old enough, do they drink alcohol? 
Reeve is not old enough (he's only 17), but he has no desire to drink either.
5. Do they have any bad habits? If so, what?
He drives WAY too fast. He also has a tendency to tease about things that can easily offend people, and sometimes he tries too hard to be cool and ends up making stupid choices.
1. Are they a dog or cat person? Or neither? 
Preston is not an animal kind of guy. He's not exactly a people kind of guy either though. He's more  of a Preston kind of guy.
2. What is their favorite season?
Fall. Cause football.
3. What music do they listen to?
He listens to country.
4. IF they’re old enough, do they drink alcohol? 
 He has in the past, but not lately. He's trying to behave himself.
5. Do they have any bad habits? If so, what?
Does being annoying and trying to steal the girl count?
Preston is notoriously grouchy, especially around Reeve.
Aside from personality issues, he's got into  trouble before for smoking in public, drinking as a minor and things like that.  
1. Are they a dog or cat person? Or neither? 
He actually likes kittens (which makes him weird to me). He doesn't hate dogs, and he's not even a big fan of cats, but kittens he likes.
2. What is their favorite season? 
He likes spring I guess. He really doesn't care what season it is as long as he has a heater or air conditioner to match.
3. What music do they listen to?
Whatever comes on. He usually likes scream, but his girlfriend Chloe hates listening to that, so he's mellowed his radio out a little bit since he started dating her.
4. IF they’re old enough, do they drink alcohol? 
 He's not old enough, but he does drink. At least I suspects he does. I haven't been able to prove it just yet.
5. Do they have any bad habits? If so, what?
 The afore mentioned drinking. Donny sure is generally a renegade, so fast cars, heavy flirting, all of that are habits he has acquired.
Now, for the girl's set.
Amy Dwight
1. If they could choose to live in another decade, what would they choose and why?
Amy is really quite happy with the decade she lives in, but if she had to choose another one, I think she would go for the one where they wore poodle skirts and everything was pink and black. She doesn't know exactly which decade that is though. Reeve is the history buff, not her.
2. Do they want a job that helps people or a job that makes money?
She's an in between sort of person on that. She likes to help people generally, but if she's going to do a job, she better get paid to make it worth her time.
3. If they were to come into a million dollars, what would be the first thing they would do? 
Buy her own house and move out.
4. What do they do when they’re bored? 
Search Youtube for new music, or play guitar.
5. And in honor of my birthday: What is their favorite kind of cake?
Red velvet with cream cheese frosting.
1. If they could choose to live in another decade, what would they choose and why?
Chloe wouldn't live in any decade but the one she is in. She would pass up on the opportunity. She likes internet and smart phones, and her boyfriend lives in this decade, so what's the point in relocating?
2. Do they want a job that helps people or a job that makes money?
She doesn't want a job right now. She wants to hang out with Donny.
3. If they were to come into a million dollars, what would be the first thing they would do? 
  Shop till she dropped.
4. What do they do when they’re bored? 
Talk to friends on the phone. Usually Donny or Amy.
5. And in honor of my birthday: What is their favorite kind of cake?
Thanks for stopping by to read guys!


  1. I really love this post, and how you described each of the characters in a unique way! I love how their personalities are so well thought out!

    1. Thanks Lauren! I've been trying really hard to make them individuals.

  2. Every time you post something about these characters. I scramble to read it. They all sound so cool! :)
    By the way, I also tagged you for the Book Cake and Book Life Tag!

    Carly @ Books and Etc
