Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Day Post

Hi guys! Happy Thanksgiving! Today I will be spending my time madly dashing around the house getting food ready, and then my grandma will come over and we are going to eat, and sing songs (I'll be playing guitar and my sisters have piano songs picked out), and eat, and grandma is bringing her accordion, and eat delicious things made out of chocolate, coconut, and sweetened condensed milk, maybe watch the thanksgiving day parade on TV, and definitely make fun of the little boy band singers who usually end up on there, and eat. It will be a full day.

Last night we watched the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movies and I was trying to decide what to write for a thanksgiving post. I wanted to do something fun, and thought I might write something like I did for Easter, but I couldn't think of anything I loved.  And I wanted there to be some kind of meaning to the post. After all, Thanksgiving is a big deal. We celebrate it because pilgrims came over to America to get religious freedom, and God provided help for them to survive and eventually led to us being here. So, this is what I came up with.

Things I Am Thankful For: (in some order, but not really after the friends column)

God: For all the patience he has with me, and all the blessings he showers in on my life.
Jesus: For stepping down from his throne to be a lowly man and dying for all my rotten sins.
Salvation:  I am so thankful that God saw fit to open my eyes to the truth of salvation.
My family:  What in heck would I do without them?
My friends:  For listening to me when I'm having a down day, putting up with my unending sarcasm, and being so darn awesome about all things in general.
Where I live: Applies to America, and Nebraska, and the exact house I live in. I love it, and I wouldn't change it a bit.
My Health:  Aside from getting an iv as a baby I have had great health all my life and I am so thankful for that, because I am terrified of doctors.
Writing: My head would just explode if I couldn't get these words out on paper.
Music:  Ninety percent of what comes out of my mouth is song lyrics. I would be a very quiet girl without music.
My Dog:  She's insane, but I love her.
Horses and all the other animals:  I am in love with my pets, and animals in general. They are amazing creations.
End of my college career:  That's coming up in a few weeks. Thankful on so many levels.
Homeschooling:  I am beyond thankful that my parents took the time to homeschool me.
The creators of Zuko, Jett, and Mako:  Because.
Books and their authors: I love getting lost in other worlds and falling in love with the characters.
Creation:  The planets, the earth, things like gravity, plants, the oceans, all of it. It is amazing and I can't get enough of learning about it.
Science:  I love science and all the ways it points to our amazing designer.
The ability to block people on Facebook:  Even though I know I probably wont, it gives me great comfort to know that I can.

I hope you guys have a great thanksgiving! Odds are I wont respond to any comments until Friday when Christmas music finally comes on the radio (NO, I will NOT be going Black Friday shopping. You cannot make me), because I'll be spending time with my family.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving :) I'm also very grateful for a healthy body...I hate shots and pricking needles and ughh, makes me shutter just thinking about it!
    -Lauren <3

    1. Ugh yes. Needles and I have a love hate relationship.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, my family and I don't do Black Friday Shopping either. We would much rather put up Christmas decorations together and watch Christmas movies. :)

    Carly @ Books and Etc

    1. You too! My parents go sometimes, but I'd rather save my sanity and spend a few extra bucks on Christmas presents during a normal day. Haha we are lucky if our Christmas decorations are up by Christmas Day, but Christmas music is a must.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, sounds like your having fun. The one about Facebook made me laugh,.

    1. Thanks :) haha it did me too. There's a whole big long dramatic story behind that one xp

  4. Happy thanksgiving! We don't have Thanksgiving in NZ, but I think that it sounds like a cool idea :)

    1. Aw! You should come to America and we'll treat you to thanksgiving :)
