Monday, November 24, 2014

I'm Back: Or, a story of sleep deprivation and caffine overdose

Hello peeps!
I missed you guys.
As per request, here is the post telling you all about my little adventure I drove off on.
Tuesday was the day of departure. I was supposed to leave at nine o'clock, but the bull went missing, the fence battery went dead, and a baby calf was up and born out in the cold, so it was nearly a full hour later than planned when we actually rolled down the driveway.
The time change from Central to Mountain made a person think the trip was 4 hours, but it was actually five. My parents dropped me off in Kimball and me and Kayla spent the next two days attending discipleship classes, and admiring the way Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki have been blessed in the looks department. Not to mention watching Potter Puppet Pals, and old music video's that never should have been made (the computerized special effects...And the OUTFITS *shudder*)
I believe we were up to around one o'clock mountain time. My laughed and said two o'clock.
The next morning we went off to Starbucks (my first ever trip there) and I got a Salted Caramel Frappuccino. Very good. We also stopped at the very first Cabela's.
After dinner we headed out for LaGrange Wyoming. I had a vague idea of one way to get there, but a person told Kayla a "better" way.
Now, this person is a guy. And guys are supposed to be really good about giving directions.
And this person also lives in Wyoming, and is supposed to know how to get around the place.
So we took his way.
Keep in mind that we were driving a car.
Everything went pretty well till the last 'ten' miles on the GPS. That was on gravel road. I live on gravel roads. They don't bother me. But these were really special gravel roads. They had free ranging cattle and horses all over them. And they drove right through ranchers yards. And when we suddenly came to a sign that said Road Damage Ahead, a person just had to stop and think How much more damaged can it get??
We had planned out the dramatic discovery of two skeletons in a white car out in the middle of nowhere Wyoming (we decided we would title this little episode The Misadventures of Kayla and Maddie) when the GPS suddenly announced that we had reached our destination.
This is what we saw.
LaGrange is a town with a bible college in it.
Armed with a eight inch long pocket knife, I went and knocked on some random farm house door. No one answered, so we went to the next one.
And the door opened to....
A wonderful older lady who informed us that we were only about ten miles away from the actual LaGrange, and that no one takes this way, and the GPS has no idea where it is.
The next three days spent in LaGrange were more bible classes, ungodly amounts of Doctor Pepper consumption, a afternoon dash to the little café/store to by a Mountain Dew, watching The Lone Ranger (my horse vet is in that movie, so I had to point him out to Bekah), helping with cleaning at the college, almost winning card games, playing ping pong across the span of two rooms, and practicing wedding makeup on the bride to be. We also stayed up very late, and when me and Bekah weren't staying up, her roommate was, so most of the mornings I had blood shot eyes and all the boys stared at me.
^watching the desolation of smaug
I also became an official Hobbit fan this week.
I had read the book see, and thought it was fine, but hadn't been a true fan. I haven't even finished the Lord of the Rings books yet.
I had saw the LOTR movie, and the first Hobbit movie, but I really wasn't so concerned about the rest.
During the first night with Kayla, she played me a whole bunch of Hobbit Soundtrack.
Then Bekah discovered that I had never seen the Desolation of Smaug yet.
And then her cousin played the soundtrack again on the way back to Kimball.
So now, I am a Hobbit fan...
I shouldn't say Hobbit fan, because I still cant get overly attached to Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, and the rest of the hobbits.
I am completely attached to Kili. And Fili. And Thorin.
I have loved Kili since the first movie, but I discovered I also liked Fili after watching him remove some twenty or so weapons from his person.
And Thorin is such a man. I can't help but love him.
Bard. Love. Enough said.
I also discovered that I'm not cut out for college life. Room mates, and shared bathrooms and showers, and bunk beds, and all the walls being one color, and the decided lack of band posters just isn't for me.
Friday night Bekah and I bribed her cousin into giving me a ride back to Kimball. Both me and Kayla were exhausted  when I arrived, but somehow we ended up on YouTube once again watching How It Should Have Ended. I'm just saying, the one for the Hunger Games was wonderful, and I wish it would have ended that way.
The next morning we packed up all our gear. I packed way too much. Didn't use half of what I brought, and forgot I had brought the other half. It's a good thing I didn't have to use it all though, because I basically planned for the apocalypse to happen while I was gone and was banking on a shortage of chap stick and pocket knives. (I could have started a black market out of my duffle bag). Then we headed out. We stopped at Starbucks for the second time in my life and I got a Caramel something or other that was really good. Halfway home we stopped at Starbucks for the third time in my life and I got a caramel espresso. Also good. We pretty much survived on apple sauce, pop tarts, and rock and roll music all the way home.
So yes, that is the story. I've got quite a few posts in mind for the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned.



  1. Awesome pictures! and KILI FILI AND THORIN OMG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH TOO!! *has an utter fangirl moment* I NEED TO BREATHE NOW SEND HELP. XD ahaha and HISHE videos!! THEY ARE THE UTTER BEST!!!! XD

    Hey, I nominated you for an award btw! If you're interested. :D

    1. Thanks! They are SO great! *sends help immediately* They were so funny, yes.

      Okay! Thanks, I'll go check it out. :)

  2. Glad you're back, Maddie. I love the Hobbit too! I'm not a huge fan of Kili. He is pretty cool, but the whole thing with Tauriel was kind of weird. I liked Thorin in the first movie much better than this one, actually. I'm more of a Bilbo, Gandalf, and Legolas fan:) Have you read the book? Great post!
    In Christ,

    1. Thanks! Aw! Yeah, I guess lots of people disliked Tauriel. I just thought it was adorably awkward how he had to look so far up to make eye contact with her XP I like him as a guy more than I like him as her love interest though, yes. I didn't like Thorin in the first movie for some reason.
      Oh Gandalf is boss. Legolas I don't care for much.
      I have read the Hobbit!

  3. Glad your back, and it sounds like you had a really fun trip! I don't want to sound like a classic white girl (cuz I'm not), but anything that has a Starbucks frappuccino in it sounds fantastic.
    I love the picture that says "back by popular demand" :)
    -Lauren <3

    1. I did! Haha, I was definitely please with my first (and second and third) Starbucks experience.
      I had fun with that XP

  4. It sounds like you had so much fun. Glad you liked the Hobbit, one of my favorites. Do you just like the actors or do you watch the show 'Supernatural'. I love Starbucks, but I rarely go because I'm cheap.

    1. I did :) it is now on my Christmas list. I only like the actors. There is too much iffy content for my liking. I agree, Starbucks was pricey.
