Monday, November 3, 2014

NaNo Update!

Hi guys! I had planned a big bash of a post to welcome the opening day of Nanowrimo, but I just barely got my word count done for the day, so I didn't have time to write a post too.

A post for day three isn't bad though, right?
So far things are going great. I started out writing Running Crazy in a tablet, since yesterday I was on the move a lot, but tonight I was able to switch it all over onto the computer, and it was a lot easier to pound out 1667 words. My current word count (as of 7:20, Sunday night) is 3550. I know some people are clear up in the five thousand range, but I'm glad to be on track with the average count. So far I have two writing buddies, which is fun. I've got an official excerpt and synopsis set up for Running Crazy on the NaNo website, and I finally found a picture to use for my profile!
Beautiful isn't it?
Nano is slow to let me update anything, but other than that things are running smoothly. According to Microsoft Word, I have a little over seven pages written so far.
Here's an itsy bitsy sneak peak.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the first line, of my first Nanowrimo novel.

“Reeve! Wait up man, I have to ask you something.”
And cue the dramatic music playing in the background.
Well, I must be off now. I've got some other things to do, but I'll try to get back a few times this week, as I have some exciting news, a fangirl tragedy, and a mini heart attack to tell you all about.
So long!

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