Monday, November 17, 2014

I'm Going On An Adventure!

It's true! (Though I do not plan to run like that all the way there. Nor do I plan to ride a pony, or travel with dwarves, even though Killi is adorable)
But, I am nevertheless, going on an adventure. And I am SOO excited. A miracle has occurred you see.
I have gotten Bekah's, Kayla's, and Daddy-kin's schedules to all jive together! We have officially set a date for my trip to Wyoming!
This  week will find me jumping back and forth across the Wyoming/Nebraska border and I cannot wait.
Do not ask me how I will keep up with Nano, or what I will do about missing almost the entire deer hunting season while on a week long girls-night-out, because I don't know, but I really don't care much.
Aside from Bible Camp, this is the first time I will ever be away from my family for a long period of time. No, I don't think I'll miss them that much, but you can check back with me when I get home to be sure.
(The minions say I'm rather heartless on that front, but really, what is the point of being gloomy and missing them when I'm coming back home? It's absurd)

Also, there will most likely be no blog posting, or responding to comments done on my part while I'm away on this expedition. Don't worry. I'm not dead (hopefully), just absent.
TTFN! Ta ta for now!


  1. I hope you have fun! I would love to live in the country/see places like that. I'm a California girl, so there's not a lot of picturesque places over here, lol :)

    1. Thank you! I had tons of fun. Oh, I see. I've heard California is really pretty.
      Thanks for commenting :)

  2. Sounds so interesting! Do have heaps of fun!! <3<3
    When you return, do tell us how the trip went :)
    The Journeys of My Beating Heart
