Thursday, November 13, 2014

On Things Like Halloween Candy

Hi guys! I had planned this post for before Halloween, and then that didn't happen (probably because I spent most of Halloween in tears- but more of that later), and then NaNo started and I forgot I had a blog for quite awhile...
So you're getting it now.

It's November 11th, and I am still eating Halloween candy (I really should stop. I'm sure my waistline would thank me- but it's so hard to stop when the numbers on the scale haven't changed a bit).

This was my last year of dressing up (supposedly) and I was really going to hang out with my friends more than get candy, but as it turns out, I came home with more candy than either of the minions.
Of the friends who went with us, their candy is already gone, but the minions and I are still munching away.

There is an art to getting lots of candy on Halloween you see, and I thought I'd share it with you.
(I didn't share it with you before Halloween because I'm greedy and I wanted there to be more candy in circulation for me...and I just plain forgot)

Here is a simple guide for next year on how to get lots of candy.
^ Rex Burkhead

1. Pick a costume. Any costume. I ended up wearing a #22 Husker jersey and putting Mrs. Burkhead on the back of it. Now half the people in Nebraska walk around in Husker jersey's all year long, but I don't, so it counted as a costume.

(The reason for the tears Halloween afternoon? I couldn't find a costume. I had a really cute Cinderella one planned, but it ended up being freezing that day, so I scratched that. Then I had a set of Tris tattoo's that I thought I could wear, or an outfit to look like Abby from NCIS. My parents then told me that they didn't want me looking tattooed or goth for Halloween, so those were out. So I ended up as Mrs. Burkhead, but really, look at him ^ Who wouldn't want to go around town masquerading as his wife?)

2. Take a bucket, but also take a Wal-Mart sack when you go out to trick or treat. Leave the sack in the car.

3. Start about five thirty or six in the evening.

4. When your bucket is full, dump it into the Wal-Mart sack.

5. Keep trick or treating till eight or so. By then, most kids will be freezing and tired and heading home. So when you go to houses with a practically empty bucket the people will say
"Oh, you hardly have any. Here, take handfuls, so I don't have to eat it all later." If you're really lucky, they will dump their entire candy bowl in your bucket.

6. Learn slight of hand. I don't do this one, but I went tick or treating with a girl this year and people would offer their bucket out for the usual "Pick one" or maybe even "Take two" and I just stood there stunned at how many candy bars she could fit in her hand within two seconds without anyone noticing. It was impressive for her small little hands.

7. If you're a youngster, be super adorable and just walk up and smile like you have no clue what is going on and you really don't know what to say. It would be best to dress up like Raggedy Ann, or some type of character where you have rosy cheeks and nose. They'll pour the candy to you if you're cute and under four feet tall. (At least that is what I have observed while watching Minion 2 get candy over the years. It's down right crazy how people take to her. If only they knew what she was like out of costume ;))


  1. Parents are such party poopers, my mom thinks I'm goth because I got black nails. Your tips are hilarious.

    1. Ugh. But I like black nail polish! I have crackle, and sparkly.
      Thanks haha, I literally use them every year.

  2. I love how you came up with a whole list on how to get more candy! :)
    This is such a wonderful post!
    -Lauren <3
