Thursday, February 6, 2014

Guitar Tuning- There's an app for that.

Hey everyone! I got a new guitar!! Well it's old, but it's new to me. 
It's a Squire by Fender, and it's a Stratocaster. (Aka a black and silver electric)

 I saw my friend for the first time in like a year the other day and ran up to talk to her. And this is what happened. 
                                                               Me: "hi!"
                                                Friend: "hi how are you?"
                                                            "Good. You?"
                                      "Good. Do you want my old guitar?"
*About three sentences talking about the guitar and then friend gets sucked away by the crowd and out the door*
So I finally went and got it the other day and I was so hyped.'s out of tune. And I couldn't tune my old electric (I broke it, but in a not cool way) with my automatic tuner, let alone without (I broke the tuner too). So I messed with it for like half an hour.
                                                        *three hours later* 
                        And then I'm like "I wonder if there's an app for that?"
                                          (Aha! moment right there people)
                                                      So I got searching.
                                            Option number three people. 
                                      Totally free and works like a charm.

So now I'm going to teach myself how to be a rock and roll thug. (Ha!) and hopefully not break this one haha. 
                                             Here's a picture of my lovelies.



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