Saturday, May 10, 2014

From Middle Earth to MidPlains 2014

You know that place between sleep and awake, where you can't breathe through your nose and you have a fever so you hallucinate about why you can't breathe and it has nothing to do with colds or the flu? That's the place where I've been living the last few days.
I've been very shot down, to the point where if I tried to write, I would fall asleep on my tablet, and if I tried to text, my eyes would swim on the iPod screen. So that's my excuse for social media silence lately.
(Sick, by Shel Silverstein)
While I as sick as a cat (Have you seen a sick cat? That's sick) I did manage to watch the entire Lord Of The Rings series.

Minion 1 got it for me for Christmas but I was never allowed to watch it while she was home because she thinks it's very boring. It's a very rare thing that I'm home along and not doing anything, so I took advantage of the last few days. I did have to stop every hour or so and pause it and then I would fall asleep and wake up three hours later and resume watching. My love for Aragorn is just as strong as ever, and I'm still neutral to pretty much everyone else in the series (and I will never admit to liking Gollum. Nope. Not going to do it.).
So I may not be a die hard LOTR fan (I don't even know what they're fandom name is...anyone??) but I can at least say that I've watched the movies, and read 1&1/10 of the books.

But anyway-
My lifelong friend graduated from high school today (congrats girl!) and her reception was last night so I went to that and had fun getting to chat with her and some other friends I hadn't seen in a while.
Then today my cousin and a church friend came over and we got all our baby calves branded and vaccinated so they can go out to the pastures this week.
I tried to take pictures for you all, but it's an incredibly dangerous place for a camera when you're running a chute, flipping calves over, and branding (I'm the brand lady. Dad says I have the eye of an artist). So I didn't get any taken of the actual action. But afterward we had dinner in The Pack Iron Saloon (that's our saddle room in the barn). Here's the cowboy chuck:
(Cowboy chuck Mom-mommy and Daddy-kin made)
I'm feeling pretty tuckered out after all of that, but my head isn't spinning, so I'm hopefully going to catch up on some much neglected roleplaying, and then get to work on Blaze, because there is no way it's going to be done on time if I don't get cracking on it.

As I'm about to finish Blaze I'm having some really conflicted feelings. This is only the second full length story I'll have ever finished, and I'm finding myself dragging my feet. Not sure why. Usually I'm so excited to get them finished. And especially this one since I actually have a clear view of what I want to happen, unlike most of my stuff, but I'm still hesitant. Because I'm getting more ideas.  Who is going to live? Should I really kill Blade? Is there any way I can keep Chet? Which brothers get to stay? Is there a way I can sneak in another love interest this late in the game?
(Idea boards)

While I'm dragging my feet, I'm also getting restless. What can I work on next? I've got a lot of new ideas lately, and the pinterest boards for them are just screaming at me to write them. But I've got several stories that are already started that I put on hold to finish Blaze. The Minions are my #1 readers, but they're being fuddy dud's and won't tell me which one they want me to tear into next. I don't know. I guess I'll have to decide. Maybe one of the blog posts I'll give you guys a quick description of my options and put it to a vote. We'll see.

Anyway, that's the catch up on everything I've been doing the last three days. Enjoy your Saturday!


  1. I know it's really strange, but this happened to me while finishing my second book. My first book was finished really fast. The second one I had to make myself write it and I kept feeling overly emotional about it.
