Friday, May 30, 2014

Lazy Blog Post

There's another contest going on over at Teen Words of Steel and since all the entries have been turned in, I thought I'd share mine with you. (You can vote on them if you're a follower of the blog. I think there's three entry's, and I really like the other two) They gave us three prompts to work with, same as last time, so you guys can click the link if you want to see them.

Life is crazy busy, so I apologize to my non-writer followers for just tossing out hoards of pictures and writing stuff. I've been kind of running around like a chicken with my head cut off (did you know they run when their head gets cut off? You have to chase them around with a fish net to catch them, and sometimes they chase you!) and haven't been able to nail down a solid blog post topic about normal life. I will hopefully get one this week though.

Also, an official hi and thank you goes out to my four google+ followers. I nearly fell out of my chair when I opened up blogger and the number had jumped from 1 to 4.
                                                                     ......I mean,

Anyway, here is my entry:

Water. Water everywhere. All around her. Inside her lungs. Salara forced her eyes open, surprised at the clearness of it around her. Currents pressed against her and she moved her arms and legs, trying to stabilize herself so she could get her bearings. Below her was black shimmering darkness, above her, white light. She kicked, propelling herself upward. She needed to get up there. She knew that. No panic came with the knowledge. The water swelled underneath her and she broke free of the surface. Coughs shook her and she forced air into her lungs. There was a beach just ahead. She swam for it, her feet finding sand. Her dress was heavy as she stumbled out of the shallows.
She turned to see Tanner running down the shoreline. There was none of the blood and pain she’d last saw him in. A smile broke across her face and she hurried to meet him. “Hi!”
He barely skidded to a half and pulled her into a hug. “You took forever.”
She snorted playfully. “It’s only been…”She squinted. “Two years?”
“Seems like eternity.” He shrugged and released his hold on her.
She smirked and ran her eyes over him. “You don’t look so angelic.”
“That’s because I’m a saint, not an angel.” He tapped her forehead. “You should know that.”
She giggled and he grinned crookedly. “How’s come it had to be drowning? I mean, of all the ways to die, you drown?”
Salara looked sheepish. “I didn’t mean to.”
He shook his head with fake graveness. “Seems pretty horrible.”
“I don’t remember.” She tipped her head and looked out at the water. It seemed to stretch on forever.
Tanner stepped to her side and pointed out at it. “See the stars?”
She grinned when she saw the winking lights and hanging constellations suspended in the inky blackness on the surface. She craned her neck up toward the sky but Tanner shook his head.
“They’re not reflecting. They’re down there, underneath. We’re just on the other side.”
She stared in awe until he turned her back toward the land. On the horizon, she thought she could see the outline of buildings, shining blindingly in the light. Tanner slung an arm around her shoulders. “Enough gawking at the stars. Come meet their boss.”


  1. I voted for your entry, it's very original I love it. I entered this round too, writing prompts are a great excuse not to work on my WIP. Your love of Four makes me smile.

  2. Thanks Skye :) I haven't seen yours yet! I'll have to go read it. I know. I love writing prompts. It's nice to take a break from the regular WIP's.
    Hehe it makes my family groan ;)
