Saturday, March 22, 2014

Feel Good Drag

Today I had to go to a 4-H council meeting. Which of course, is the true meaning of fun. Look up Fun in the dictionary and it will say
                    "a 4-H council meeting, usually with a good speaker, and lots of motions made".

                                                              SAID NO ONE EVER.

At the meeting, there was a speaker in all the way from Minnesota. Now I know some great things have come out of Minnesota. Garrett Hedlund for instance, was from a farm in Minnesota. And I have a great doppelgänger (aka, internet friend who's so similar to me it's creepy) who lives in Minnesota. But this woman was neither a handsome hunk with a deep voice, OR an awesome roleplayer. She was- in the words of Minion 1- a feel good talker.
The whole two hour session was filled up on words we need to get out of our vocabulary.
                    Because, guys, those words can hurt self esteem and squash creativity.

To an extent, I agree with the lady. When you're working with little 4-H kids, it's good not to be  negative. But the woman was paid to come here and tell us that.

I'm kind of over the whole self esteem and feel good about yourself thing. Because so many of the people I've heard talk about it seem so fake. They walk into a room and in one sentence they manage to cram in 3 fabulouses, 4 wonderfuls, and a handful of terrifics and that's greats. They're dripping with this feel good stuff. They sound forced. And being forced doesn't make me feel good.

There's a song by Anberlin called Feel Good Drag, and even though it's a great song, it has nothing whatsoever to do with what I'm talking about. BUT, the title works great. I hear these feel good speakers giving their peptalks and it just drags me down. I think they want it to lift me up, but it doesn't. I feel like I'm being lied to.
I think it would help everyone involved if we shoved the feel good fluff under the rug and got down to business.
What drives me nuts about this feel good mentality is that it seems so unachievable to me. You're telling me all these people really feel perfect about themselves every morning when they wake up? That they look at every curve in life and smile? I don't believe it.
But I think the key to all of this is to realize that IT'S OKAY IF YOU DON'T FEEL GOOD.
I have yet to find anywhere in the Bible that says "thou shalt feel amazing about life at all times".
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I have seen an awful lot of places where people felt downright rotten about things. And they let it run it's course. And then they got to work.
The Psalms are full of verses and verses of David lamenting and going on about how he was a rotten person and nothing was going right for him. And then you know what? After a few verses of that, he was praising God and ready to go back into the fight. I didn't see any verses in there where he said "Now David, this kind of thinking is bad for your self esteem. You're beautiful babe and that's all that matters."
He went ahead and poured out his self pity for God to hear, and by the time he was through he was in the right frame of mind and ready to get back to what God had planned for him.
So, I'm wanting to test out this new way of thinking. I want to remember that it's okay to be down and out, and feeling crummy. And instead of running to myself and telling me all about it and trying to make myself feel better, I'm going to take it all to the one who created me and knows exactly what my heart needs to tick in sync with his plans and how to work it all out for me. :)

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