Monday, March 24, 2014

Writing Enthused!

It's happened guys! I've once again become happy about writing...still haven't quite got past the writers block, but I'm not sad about it anymore.

                                                        And you know how it happened?

                                  That's right. Who says the internet kills a writers creativity?

See, I was bored stupid, and had scrolled through all of my feed and notifications and wasn't quite ready to join the real world, so I searched Murtagh. I do that a lot when I'm bored. Every millennia or so I find a picture I haven't seen before, and it just makes my day. If not, at least I get to look at some really nice stuff ;)
But anyhow, back to my story. I searched Murtagh. And this pin came up:

I know you're looking at this thinking "yeah, that's really great and all, but how the heck does that make you want to write?" Well, I'll tell you.

                                                       I WROTE THE POEM ON THIS.

I've been friends with Murtagh231 on youtube and deviantArt for ages. We've swapped fanfiction, and I've used a lot of her edits in my fanvideos on youtube. And when I showed her this poem she asked if she could make it into an edit, and this is what she came up with. And I absolutely loved it. But didn't figure anyone except her followers on deviantArt would see it.
                                                           BUT IT MADE TO PINTEREST.
                                                          SOMETHING I WROTE IS A PIN.

And hence, I was inspired to continue writing.
So yesterday I grabbed Blaze and started working on it again. I only made it through about half a page before they turned Big Jake on the tv and John Wayne took top priority, but it was a start, and it made me oh so happy.

                 AND, for the best news of all I SIGNED UP FOR A WRITERS CONTEST.
That's right. In April, me and my mom will be packing up early in the morning and heading for my first ever writers conference. I'm anticipating much fun and knowledge gaining. And more enthusiasm to write my little heart out.
....The writers conference is the day after prom, so that should be interesting, considering it will be Minion 1's first year, and I really want her to go, and I kind of hoped to tag along too because I have friends who will be there, but we'll see how that works out. Late nights and early mornings can be hard on mothers.

If you wanna check out any more of Murtagh231's edits, or some of mine on deviantARt, here are the links.


  1. That Poem is awesome. Murtagh is my favorite character from the Eragon series. Congratulations on the contest and conference, I've never been but I want to. I like your edits, I joined your watch list. Happy to hear your getting over your block. :)

    1. Thanks :) He's mine too. Loved him. I'm so excited for this one. I didn't even know we had conferences in my state XP
      Oh thanks :)
