Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Novel Idea - 4

So, I'm a little bit embarrassed to admit that I totally forgot last weeks A Novel Idea, and so I have to skip right to number four.
...I guess that's not all bad...
This weeks questions deal with the characters past influences, and you can find the original post here .
Anyway, here are the questions. I am going to use....I think I'll use Ashtyn (formerly known as Cassie) from my dystopia story. I've been rewriting the beginning while I brainstorm the rest of the book, in between working on my Beauty and the Beast retelling.

1.What do they consider the most important thing they’ve done so far in their life?
Probably getting a legitimate job and being able to help her mother bring in food and income.

2. What is their greatest regret?
Hmmm, she regrets not being registered, which caused the street police to take her father away to who knows where. She couldn't have changed the circumstances at all- it was her parents decision not to register her- but it still weighs on her.

3. When was the last time they were really, really frightened?
When she went into the travelers camp and there were street police everywhere. The travelers weren't any safer than the police and she got really nervous.  

4. What was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to them?
Every time she goes with her employer he flirts with her and calls her Doll and pretty, but in very sarcastic ways, and its embarrassing to her.

5. If they could change one thing about their past – and only one thing – what would that be and why?
I think she would change the fact that she was never registered. She would make it so her parents registered her as a baby. That way her father would never have been taken, and she could get a regular job like her mother has.



  1. I'd ask what "registered means, but that probably requires spoilers. I love Dystopian novels! There are so many, and yet they all seem to have relevency no matter when they were written. It was pretty cool meeting Ashtyn.


    1. You're actually allowed to know. When the kingdom (name in progress) first formed they took a census of everyone and found out what their former occupations were. They used that to help them put people in certain jobs that would help them start to rebuild a society. Every child born after that is registered at birth and goes to school and gets a job according to their best potential. It's a crime not to register your kid.

      I love dystopias too! I can't get enough of them. I couldn't agree more. There is always something in them that I think "wow that could actually apply to the real world."
      Thank you :) I saw you posted another novel idea as well. I was on vacation yesterday with no Internet but I can't wait to go catch up on it today.

  2. Whoa! This sounds like a REALLY interesting story!! I loved getting to know Ashtyn, and I can't wait to know more! Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thank you! Hopefully I get to use her more in the future.
