Friday, August 22, 2014

Beautiful People- Bellatrae

For this months Beautiful People. I am going to be using Bellatrae from my beauty and the beast retelling for the Five Enchanted Roses contest. I've been working on titles and I'm tentatively calling it The Iron Curse. 

 1) What does your character regret the most in their life?
Bellatrae thinks regretting is pointless. Regret can't change what happened. Deep down though she regrets not being able to look at life the way her siblings do. She can't make herself be carefree and happy go lucky like they are, though she would like to. 

2) What is your character's happiest memory? Most sorrowful memory?
Her happiest memory is one of her playing with her older sister and brother when they were young. It's just a basic memory of a game but she likes it because they were all innocent back then.  Most sorrowful memory was when her father came home and said they'd lost the ships, and all the cargo, and therefor everything they knew in life. 

3) What majorly gets on your character’s nerves?
When people are unrealistic. She can't stand when people think outside of logic. 

4) Do they act differently when they're around people as opposed to being alone? If so, how?
No, Bellatrae is pretty much the same wherever she is. She's serious, logical. It would be unreasonable for her to change her behavior for spectators. 

5) What are their beliefs and superstitions? (Examples: their religion or lack of one, conspiracy theories, throwing salt, fear of black cats.) 
Where Bellatrae lives, science is god. Everything has a logical explanation and the supernatural is dismissed. So religion and superstitions would be silly for her to have. 

6) What are their catchphrases, or things they say frequently? 
Thus far she really hasn't developed anything strictly her own. She's not a very funny person, and she keeps things simple, including dialogue.

7) Would they be more prone to facing fears or running from them?
She would face them with a very large gun.

8) Do they have a good self image?
She does, but she's really not worried about it. She's content with who she is, but she really doesn't think about it much. She's too busy working. 

9) Do they turn to people when they're upset, or do they isolate themselves?
She isolates herself. She's always ready to help someone else with a problem, but sharing hers would be to burden someone else.

10) If they were standing next to you would it make you laugh or cry?
Well, I wouldn't cry, but I'm not sure I'd laugh either. Like I said, thus far she's not a very funny person. I would laugh and be thrilled that one of my characters had come to life I suppose. Then again, I might also cry because it wasn't one of the boys....


  1. Bellatrae is beautiful, I like her she seems spirited, so excited for your version.

    1. Thank you:) I'm kind of stuck with it right now....
