Monday, August 4, 2014

Bucket List Tag

Thanks to Andrea from Fantasies and Fountainpens   for nominating me for this tag. There aren't really any rules, so I'll be posting some things off my bucket list on pinterest for you guys. (I promise to leave out the fiction ones)

Andrea had ten on her list, but I'm putting up 11. A couple of them mean essentially the same thing. These are in no particular order mind you.

I would do practically anything for this to happen. My aunt went to see his mother speak last year, but Tim wasn't there and neither was I.

I don't know why I love this one so much. I guess cause in books and movies friends always just take off together and have tons of fun. And I would love to do that.

I still have hopes for this one. They've been stomped on pretty good, but I still have them.

It must happen. End of story.

This one must happen to. I'm working on it. Not sure I'm getting any closer, but I'm definitely working on it.

This is probably the least likely to happen of all of them, but I would absolutely love to be a voice actor. I could totally do it. When I don't have to worry about the faces I make, I can do some crazy awesome voices.

Please, Mom and Dad, please. Before I die.

It's not fictional! It just has a fictional reference.

If said Tobias to my Tris was a cowboy, that would be great. If he was the aforementioned Tim Tebow that would also be satisfactory.

When I find this Tobias/Cowboy/ Tebow man, he had better ask me.

Want. Just another set of holes in my ear lobes is all I want. I promise I won't walk around like a pirate.
Alrighty, now who to nominate.....
Sarah at Forever Changed
....I think my parents are home, and I've got some work to do, so I'll leave the rest up to self nomination. If you want to share your bucket list, have at it.


  1. Very fun! :) Being a voice actor would be so much fun! I have three piercings in my ears and I really like it, it's really nice to have an extra piercing to just stick in a diamond stud in or a small hoop. I've always wanted to die my hair sometime too, I was thinking chocolate brown, or red, dark purple would be neat too, but I don't think I'm brave enough to do that. :P

    1. Awesome! My friend has one extra hole that she just sticks random diamonds in and it's very cool looking. Oh, that would be awesome colors.
