Friday, August 1, 2014

I Think I'll Call It The Life Saver Award

I know I'm late! But better late than never, right?
Thank you so much to Sarah at Forever Changed for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blog award. Without that nomination, there would not be a post today.

Here are the rules:
List the rules and display the award
Share 7 facts about yourself
Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know you have nominated them
Proudly display the badge.

Sounds easy enough!

1. I was 4 foot 11&3/4 inches for like three years and it was murder.
2. I wear a bigger shoe size than my uncle.
3. I have a dad who tells amazing stories (mostly about cowboys, bigfoot, and occasionally werewolves)
4. I hated anything even remotely related to vampires until I discovered Mirriam Neal's writing.
5. I'm done with my third semester of college!!!
6. I am going to my cousins wedding tomorrow.
7. I almost forgot to "proudly display the badge" and was about to move on to other topics.

Here! Pride.
For nominations I nominate Jessy from Barefoot in the Snow
I think Skye is visiting family, but I'll nominate her anyway.
and....I'm sorry, I'm drawing a complete blank. If I left you out, it wasn't on purpose and accept this as my nomination.
Now, you may have caught on that I'm going to a wedding tomorrow. My Dad's, sister's daughter (so my cousin) is getting married. She lives 100 miles away, so it will be quite a long drive. Like most girls, I've been planning what I was going to wear for months. And I just couldn't decide. I may have got a little lace happy while shopping....
Interesting story on the tanish one. Said cousin wore it in her engagement photos. I loved it and wanted to find one for me to wear to prom, so I asked her where she got it and she said she borrowed it from her brother's (my other cousin) wife. So I asked the wife (what do you call a cousins wife? Cousin in law?) and she said she got it from her sister or niece or someone.
Why I'm his brother's nephew's cousin's sister's mother's wife's great aunt...twice removed.....
But somehow it got back around to me.
But I think I'll wear the black one ;)
And I got shoes! I kid you not, these are the first pair of high heels I personally have ever bought in my entire life.
Ever! In my life!

You know what else is going on in this wedding bell season? My mom is being a goof. Please tell me you guys go to weddings and your mom gets this goofy grin on her face and say's
"You know, a really good place to find a guy is at a wedding. The groom has friends."
Anyone else out there know what I'm talking about?
My mom is like the less tyrannical, way skinnier, and a thousand times less ugly version of the Matchmaker from Mulan. She could do it for a living.
Hey look what I got! Four!
...I should probably get off now and stop adding pictures huh? Okay. Bye!

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