Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fourtris Anyone?

I'm kinda bored.
And I don't really have anything in mind to blog about.
Well...actually I have several ideas in mind, but they all require long drawn out posts with much thought and detail put into them.
 And I'm feeling lazy.
That and I'm supposed to be getting ready for Bible study right now.
I made this video though.
You can watch it.
BUT, I promise, I will come back with long detailed blog posts to make up for it. Okay?
I'll cover topics like...
Finished Stories
The reason my guy and girl characters have the personalities they do
Weddings. (Two of them)
And a whole plethora of other things.
Sound good?


  1. Oooh! Fourtris! LOL Fortress. :D

    xoxo Morning

    1. Love it XD thanks for commenting *goes off to explore your blog*
