Monday, August 18, 2014

Liebster :)

Carly from Books and etc.was awesome enough to nominate me for the liebster award and I'm just now getting to it.

Here are my 11 random facts.
1. I started my fourth semester of college today and I hate it just as much as the first.
2. I will be 19 in less than two weeks 0.o
3. I've been playing guitar for 11 years.
4. I'm a bit of an insomniac.
5. My reading taste as a little child disturbed adults. It was all Louis Lamour westerns and Janette Oke romances.
6. I can type 74 adjusted words per minute.
7. I am wicked at Battle Ship.
8. I took the mattress off Minion #2's bed and put it on mine last week.
9. I introduced my cousin as my brother for years when I was somewhere around 2-5 years old.
10. I really like football.
11. I wanted to paint my bedroom black when I was young, but my mom talked me in to purple. Thank God.
And here are her questions and my answers :)

1. If you were in an apocalypse, which five characters from any books would you want to be there with you?

Haha this is easy. Murtagh from the Inheritance cycle. Hes got magic. He's got a dragon. Gale from the Hunger Games. He could build explosives for me.  Four from Divergent. Cause he's amazing and tough.  Kiero from Incarceron.  Cause the guy is so darn funny and scary at once. Will from the Infernal Devices. Cause  swag.  They can all handle themselves perfectly well, and lets be honest, there's a good chance I would die in the apocalypse, so I might as well be surrounded by awesome dudes.


2. What is your favorite book of all time and why?
Oh my word...I always claim it's eldest by Christopher Paolini just to save myself the conflict of thinking about all the others I like. Cause there's so many...but I really do like eldest. Murtagh was there the most, and there were a lot of fun plot twists and such. 

3. Do you listen to a music while you read? If so, what kind of music do you listen to?
Yeah I do. I sometimes start singing while I'm reading too and it freaks my mom out. Oh I listen to anything that comes on my iPod, so basically Christian rock with a dash of old and new country thrown in. 

4. If you had a time machine, would you go to the past or to the future?
I would totally go into the past! The future is just scary but the past would be so cool. Research trip!

5. What are some books you recommend?
The Inheritance cycle by Christopher Paolini. Blood of Kings trilogy by Jill Williamson. Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth. Do hard things by Alex and Brett Harris. Canadian West series by Janette Oke. Anything by Lois Lamour. Hope rising by Kim Meeder. 

6. Who are some authors that influence your literary life (reading and writing)?
People who have read my stuff say it reminds them of Louis Lamour and I've always read him, so he's a definitive. Christopher Paolini did as well, and cs Lewis when it came to fantasy. Hilda stahl and janette oke really impacted my early work but i dont draw on her much anymore (to my knowledge) I think those are the main ones but I've also picked up things from more recent authors like Veronica Roth and Jill Williamson. 

7. Why did you start blogging?
Well I actually had a little blog on a private site that was doing well but then I forgot about it and I wanted to get it out where others could see it. I also seriously wanted to do the liebster award- no joke- and be able to share my snippets with people and make blog friends like everyone else does. 

8. What is your favorite word?
Dude. I say it all the time. But I don't write it much. My favorite one to work into my story would be either psychotic, desperation, or terror. They usually lead to very interesting scenes. 

9. If you could only read five books for the rest of your life, what would they be?
You're killing me. I guess the first one in each series. Eragon. Divergent. The Hunger games. The Bible. And High Lonesome. 

10. If you could have any animal (fictional or otherwise) as a pet, what would it be?
Dragon. I've already got a dog and a horse so the next best thing is absolutely dragon. 

11. What is your favorite soda? 
Mountain Dew!!!
Thanks for the nomination Carly!
I don't know who to nominate...The people I usually nominate are probably getting sick and tired of seeing their name pop up on my blog over and over again XP , so if you're reading this and want to be nominated, consider it done, and if you don't want to be nominated, that is also done.
Have a great day!


  1. I like football too! Great choices for my first question: Will Herondale......*swoons* Arg, I still have to read Eragon. I started it a few months ago and still haven't finished, my friends are so going to laugh at me when school starts if they hear that. Ooo, some new books I haven't heard of! Can't wait to try them out!

    Carly @ Books and Etc.

    1. Awesome! Thanks, haha. Yup. Gotta love William. You HAVE to read it! It's great. Cool! :)

  2. When is your Birthday? Mine is on the 1st of September. Turning fifteen. Can't wait!

    1. It's the 30th of August. Happy almost birthday! Haha. Awesome. Then you're about the same age as Minion 1.
