Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Here Comes The Bride

You know what's weird? I thought I already published this one weeks ago. 
But this morning when I got on to post there it sat in the drafts column.
I truly am losing my mind. 

So you guys know that my cousin got married a few Saturdays ago. It was a 100 mile drive down there and I had a nasty headache for part of it, but I did manage to start Four- which is utterly amazing and anyone who even remotely thinks they are a Divergent fan will love it. I was able to see lots of my cousins all in one place which was really fun. Jana's dress was absolutely stunning, and there were so many fun themes that she added to the wedding and decorations to make it fit her and her new husbands personalities. Probably my favorite part was seeing my cousins (these are 6 foot and over guys, with tats, muscles, and generally handsome yet terrifying looking dudes) in tuxedos. They yanked on their ties all day long. They un-tucked their shirts the instant they got out of the church. They wore grungy ball caps and sunglasses every waking minute that they weren't ushering women down the isle to be seated. My uncle wore a tux! It was a miraculous time, and I took lots of pictures to use as blackmail should the need ever arise.

The ring bearers were my two year old second cousins Bo and Lafe. Lafe literally pulled Bo down the isle while sucking on his thumb and proceeded to read a book in the front row. It was adorable. Lafe sat with me through most of the meal and we discussed things like taking selfies (he stuck his tongue out for the camera), why people were whistling when the couple kissed, and if the cake was good (it was all over his face and hands, so I'm assuming).

We didn't get to stay for the dance afterward, because we had to get home and irrigate and we actually ended up staying later than we had originally planned and ended up changing water in the dark. But I suppose it was okay. I was wearing like 3-4 inch heels (which I never wear) so I probably would have killed myself if I tried to dance.

Something about going to weddings gives me this bittersweet feeling. It's like "Oh my word, I have to remember that for my wedding! It's gonna be like this..." *And rambles on* And then the other half of me is like "Gee, I'm old enough to get married now. I've never even had a date. What's going on here? I'm gonna end up a crazy old cat lady. I hate cats! *cue the panic*

Mom always comes home really excited from weddings and starts planning for when me and my sisters are going to be in one. And that makes things fun.

Speaking of me being in weddings....
No, I'm not getting married.
But My best friend is.
And she asked me to be her bridesmaid.
(I literally almost fell over when she called. I was so surprised and thrilled)
The wedding isn't till next spring, but we're already having fun (and stress) over outfits, and I'm starting to gather ideas for a wedding shower when she comes back from college. Hopefully we can hang out a little bit this summer before she heads back, and that will help. But it's going to be so fun. I am so happy for her and can't wait to be part of her special day.

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