Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Hi guys. I'll try and get on later today and do a real post, because I've got a vacation and some other things to tell you about, but this morning I have to go to a doctor's appointment, and I thought I'd let you know what's going on in case I don't get back to the computer for a while.

I've been getting headaches a lot more frequently this summer, for not real rhyme or reason, and last week (I think this is the 8th day) I started waking up with dull throbbing headaches, and going to be with severe pounding migraines. Pain medicine doesn't slow it down at all, even if I take them early and in large quantities before the pain gets bad. I've hardly gotten any sleep, and with the exception of one or two days, it has been really hard to read, write, or look at a computer screen.
I went to the eye doctor to see if there was some kind of problem there, because lots of my family wear glasses, but he said my eyes were perfect- which is good, but now I still don't know what's wrong with me. We have a doctor here in town who is specially trained to manipulate the skeleton- she's not a chiropractor, but she basically pops bones back into place just a lot gentler way than a chiropractor would. One time I got hit in the head with a panel and messed up my skull, which gave me headaches, and she fixed it, so I'm going to her today to see if she can find anything wrong. I haven't got hit in the head for a long time though, so I'm really not sure what she's going to find.

Just thought I'd let you all know, because these headaches make me dizzy and nauseous so I don't really like to look at a computer screen for very long, so this is my excuse for not posting much.
I'll be back as soon as possible.  


  1. Oh no! That's terrible! I hope that you can get everything sorted out, feel better soon!

  2. That was a good story! I'll be praying for you. I have another friend who gets headaches and she tells me how bad they can be;( Hope you get better soon!
    In Christ,
