Thursday, August 14, 2014

Prowling the Mall

Hi all! Yesterday I was able to spend a headache free day with my friend Rabekah. She's going back to college soon and we wanted to get in some much needed girl time to talk about her upcoming wedding and all things girl.
Fortunately my mom had to take some quilts to town to register for the state fair (since some of you asked about the quilt several posts ago, here is the picture)

and her mom had an eye doctor appointment, so we both rode along and met up at the mall. Her mom asked me what the plan was and I told her we were just going to "take off and prowl around the mall until mom comes back for us."
I don't know. That kind of worried her I guess, because she asked me to change it to "roam around the mall". I kind of liked "prowl" better, but oh well. Mother knows best.
(No, I'm joking. Her mother was my dorm leader for years and is really very sweet and not at all like Gothel)
Me and my Bekah Shae (that's my nickname for her- she calls me Maddie Katty) roamed- *cough* prowled*cough*- all day, looking at dresses. She's still in the process of picking a wedding dress, and she ordered my maid of honor outfit and the bridesmaid outfits (excited to see what they look like), but she wanted something a little simpler to wear to the reception afterward, and maybe something for the honeymoon after. You know what that means? That means that we went into every single store and tried on all the dresses we could get our hands on. Even if we knew there was no way our wallet or parents would ever let us bring it home. I will spare you the pictures of me in steampunkish prom dresses (she forced me to try it on- honest). Several of them were really cute and I might have been tempted to buy them except they were a little too short for my ideal. She was able to find a really cute one that she liked though, along with a volleyball.

We tried on shoes too. Picture five inch, silver heels, with a strap that winds all the way around your leg up to your knee...They were every bit as ugly as they sound.

Aside from clothes and sports paraphernalia, she talked me into eating Chinese food. Which is something I've never done unless you count ride with teriyaki sauce all over it.  We got chicken Chou mien and fried rice. The rice was awesome and I would eat it again any time. The Chou Mien stuff wasn't bad either, except the celery. Me no likey celery.

It was great to get away for a while and just be crazy- though all that changing clothes totally ruined my hair. Murdered it in fact. Good thing there weren't any handsome guys around or the day may have been considerably less fun. Since she attends college in a different state and her summers are taken up traveling to teach at different Bible camps, we don't get to see each other much, so it was awesome to have all those hours with no parents or siblings (though I love both) around asking for part of my attention. We got to talk about some serious stuff, and I'm now making plans to take off and prowl around Wyoming with her and perhaps meet a certain someone she knows.
Apparently she thinks a sense of humor and vast knowledge of martial arts is my type.
Apparently she is right.

(It also just so happens that her college is just a little ways away from the college my friend will be attending as well. *cough*Kayla*cough*, so I may have to prowl with two friends and see the sights both campuses have to offer)

Since she'll be heading off in a few weeks, I'm going to be using that time to get into contact with her mom and sisters and find out if they had any plans for a wedding shower. Because I want in on it. I have a secret pinterest board devoted to it. Can't show you, because it's secret.


  1. Prowling the mall sounds like fun! I don't usually like shopping all that much because it takes forever, and everything is so expensive, but it still can be a lot of fun if you shop with the right person. That quilt is beautiful!!! It must have taken forever! Weddings are so much fun, and making pinterest boards about them are almost just as much fun. :)

    1. It was very fun. I totally agree. I hate shopping unless I'm with a friend and I'm not actually stressed out to find something for an occasion or anything. I'll tell my mom you liked it :) yeah it took forever to make.
      I've never been this heavily involved in a wedding before so I'm having tons of fun with it.
