Tuesday, August 26, 2014


So, the last couple days have been kind of crazy. I'm getting into the swing of college classes again, and considering taking off to a Bible college, so I really don't have a full blown post to show you guys.
I did however remember to check out Tessa's blog, Christ is Write (which is an amazing blog, by the way), and the results for the Monday Minute Challenge were up!
There was a tie for third place this time, and I loved every entry that won. They were all really good this last week. The prompts were great.
I was thrilled to see my name in the Honorable Recognition box. Check out the badge!

The new prompts are up and they look pretty awesome. I'm already trying to figure out some way to stick them all together.
Well, my page is looking fairly long. I suppose I could call this a decent post now. Still pretty short, and most of the words on it are pointless fluff. An editor would have red marks all over this thing, deleting all the unnecessary words. Fluff words. They're just fluff. Nothing to them at all. Not needed. Only there to take up space and- in this case- make a short, basically empty post, look long and full. It's kind of deceptive really. Should I not be so deceptive in my posts? I don't know. I don't think it's that bad. Should I stop rambling now and get off of the computer?


  1. I thought all the prompts were really great too...I did the phrase and the words :D
    Mary S.
