Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Check In

I think it's time for a check in. It's almost mid January. 
Want to know how my list of resolutions is coming along?

I got a laptop, and I'm loving it.
I've been doing a read through of Out of Darkness and marking everything that catches my attention, and working on researching the location and details of gangs and such. It's tedious but going well. I shudder to think I released the story into the hands of people though. It was not ready. 
I've read my bible every day except for one Sunday morning and two days where I was down with the nasty flu.
I've been eating healthier, and I'm seeing some results. 
I've been working away on my two stories and they're coming along alright. 
I found I can write all of my cursive letters except I can't remember q and I'm too lazy to look it up. How often do you use q anyway? It's not pretty cursive, but it's not as bad as I remember it.
Got some supplies for Bekah's wedding gift (actually my mom got them, but I approved them)

I'm thrilled with the progress I'm making, and I'm really hoping I can keep it up.
 How about you? How are your goals and resolutions coming?


  1. Good for you Maddie, I hope everything continues to go good for you. I have been doing fairly well on my goals except for writing, I gave myself a break.

    1. Thanks :) That's good! Sometimes breaks can be in order

  2. Sounds like you're going awesome! (Is that even proper grammar? I think not).

    I've been going on 10 minute runs and taking the time to write in my journal.

    1. I don't know, but I'll take it! :)
      That sounds great! I need to add being active to my healthy eating.

  3. Sounds like you're doing great at your goals, Maddie. I'm making progress on mine, too:)
