Friday, January 2, 2015


Hello everyone!
Since it is that time of the year where everyone decides to write down what they think would be cool to do during the year, but don't usually do, I thought I'd do so as well.
My dear friend came home from California this week, and she brought me these gorgeous notebooks (take my word for it, as I have no picture of them yet), and the first thing I wrote in the black one was a list of my 2015 goals. I thought I'd share them with you- some of them anyway.

2015 Writerly Goals:
1. Finish first draft of Running Crazy
2. Finish first draft of RP Fantasy
3. Edit and revise Out of Darkness
4. Edit and revise Blaze
5. Edit and revise The Dynamic Duo
6. Send Out of Darkness to agents
(The amount of editing in here terrifies me)

2015 Life Goals:
1. Make wedding present
2. Get in shape (I will not be disclosing what number I consider 'in shape' for me, because when I did, my whole family freaked out at me)
3. Read the Bible everyday.
4. Take all the awesome fabric I have acquired and sew and Ariel-esque outfit.
5. Learn electric guitar
6. Get Flint going good
7. Buy a laptop
8. Work at camp
9. Learn cursive

2015 Fangirl Goals:
1. Watch Insurgent
2. Watch Mockingjay Part 2
3. Watch The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
4. Watch Pan and cry because my Garbear is in a movie where he doesn't die, and is the King of sass.
See? Sass.

What about you? Any new years resolutions or goals you have set? I'd love to hear about them!


  1. There is a lot of editing and revising planned for me this year as well.

    Awesome goals! I hope you achieve them all :)

    1. Oh, well then we'll be in this together.
      Thank you!

  2. I know how it is, editing, *shiver*. I am excited for Pan too! I've never seen him in a movie before, but the guy playing Hook is cute. Getting in shape is on my list too, I am at least 20 pounds overweight and I say no more. Then I see a cookie and it is like, one more XD. Good goals, one of my top goals this year is getting a license. That and actually making a outline for one of my books.

    1. It's a frightening thought. I can't wait to see it! He's been in a lot of inappropriate movies, and a lot of lame kids movies, like Eragon and Tron, but I love his face XP Twenty pounds is my number too! Oh those darn cookies! My mom has been baking them all morning! Great top goal! That's Minion 1's goal too! Haha, I really should try an outline at some point.

  3. Oh the new years resolutions. I made them this year too. I'm loving yours and I certainly hope you'll be able to get all that writing done. I'm really liking your blog by the way. New follower xx

    The Life of Little Me

    1. Thank you! I've already knocked one off my list- I got a laptop yesterday!
      Thank you! Welcome to the madness ;)

      I'll have to check out your blog!

  4. These are really nice goals :) One of my goals is to read the Bible everyday as well!
    -Lauren <3

    1. Awesome! So far I have managed to keep at it, even though it has only been three days.

  5. I love your goals! I want to learn the acoustic guitar so bad. Editing is tough. It's so tedious. I recently watched the last Hobbit and it was amazing. And devastating. But if you've read the book, it's better. I honestly don't think I would have survived the movie without crying if I hadn't read the book.
    In Christ,

    1. You should go for it! Acoustic isn't nearly so hard to learn. I made it to chapter two in my editing so far, and chapter one isn't even finished, I just highlighted some problems XP I can't wait to watch the last one. I know I'm gonna be upset with it, but I did read the book. I don't remember it much, but I know who dies, so at least that wont be a shocker.
