Friday, January 30, 2015

Forgetful Friday

I should just admit defeat right now, instead of thinking I can possibly post things consistently on the proper day. Obviously, Throwback Thursdays are supposed to happen on Thursday. But thank heaven for Forgetful Friday (yes I did just make that up), because that is when I get to post things that I should have posted before, but forgot to.

Soooo, here are Thursday's throwback snippets. These come from 2008, when I was twelve.

The Mystery in the Lagoon
Two hours later they pulled into a long tree lined driveway. At the end was a giant white house. It was really old and had a large porch. There were trees on all sides. Sarah saw a movement at one of the many windows. She stepped out of the car and pulled her suitcase out of the trunk. A silver haired woman dressed in a dark skirt and a white blouse appeared on the porch.” Hello Debbi, Mike.” She looked at Sarah. “Sarah,” she said stiffly, “I’m your aunt Margret.”
From this piece I can tell you that I was absolutely obsessed with a book called Christina's Ghost. That is where I got the inspiration for the house and scenery, and Aunt Margret is the aunt version of the uncle in the book. I also clearly was thinking of her more as a great aunt than just an aunt, because she's old, and Sarah's dad (who is supposedly Margret's brother), is young.

My name is Alex Smith, and I’m going to tell you a story about a horse.
I just watched Flicka for the first time. If I would have continued and typed up all three pages I got wrote of the story, you would know that.
That meant either the ship had gotten hopelessly lost, or she was stranded on an uncharted island. Unfortunately, she found the latter option more likely. She dumped out the rest of the bag. A whistle, rope, matches, half a peanut butter n jelly sandwich, and a bottle of coke in her lunchbox. Not much.
Ah yes. My survivalist phase. At this time you wouldn't find me without string, paperclips, pencil stub, paper scrap, at least two pocket knives (one a Swiss Army), a flashlight, and a whistle in my pockets. (I'm not kidding. It weighed a pound) My survivalist handbook was my favorite thing to read, and this story was my chance to put all my vast knowledge out on display...I don't know why she had a Coke with her. I hate Coke, and none of my characters have ever been allowed to drink it. (except Leslie from The Dynamic Duo. She was from Colorado. I had to give her quirks) 
I always just call this one Maddie Lewis (I promise, I did not get her name from mine...please believe me) But the 'official' title page that I drew for it says it is called His Love Endures Forever, so....
“Say what you want ‘bout me, but mark me, one more cruel word toward Nathan and I’ll shove you outta this buggy.” Maddie was furious.
“What a rebellious girl. Yelling at and threatenin’ her elders.” Mrs. Price scolded. “I hear you sympathize with the blue coats. A little Miss Yankee yourself.”
 I was in love with this story at the time. When I read through it to find snippets, I can't remember why. It was exhausting trying to write a southern accent, and as you can see, I failed miserably.
In unfamiliar territory.
She pushed back and looked up at him. “We have to get out of here.”
Riley smiled. “we will.”
“No, you don’t understand. We have to get out.”
Riley started to get confused. “I know.”
“No. We have-"
 “What do you mean?” Asked Riley in bewilderment.
 Mandy took a deep breath. “If I die in here, that leaves Jana Okeridge all by herself with Tye. And we can’t have that. Tye’s done nothing bad enough to deserve that.”
I was still obsessed with the Sadie Rose series at this point. I had finally acquired the whole series, and had realized I couldn't plagiarize it so blatantly, so this series was born. I actually still like it quite a bit, but it's bad. Mandy and I still both love Tye though, and  I refuse to give up on him.
Kidnapping on the Bar H
“I want to wash this blood off. I don’t want Ma to see me like this.” Mandy walked down to the creek. She pulled out her shredded handkerchief and scowled.
Tye knelt beside her and handed her his. “Here.”
She smiled at him. “thanks.” She dipped it in the water and began scrubbing her face.
She looked at Tye. “Did I get it?”
“Little more here.” He said, touching her cheek. “There.”
Mandy finger combed the tangles out of her hair and rebraided it. “How do I look?”
He studied her and smiled. “Pretty.”
 *soft angelic music* One of my first romantic scenes.
(This one may have been from 2007- there was no date on it, and it comes first in the Mandy "series")
Gunshots on Oak Creek
Mandy started cheering for Riley. “Come on Riley! You can do it!”
Riley’s arm started moving don. Mandy bent down and whispered in Riley’s ear. “He’s just a farmer. He can’t beat you.”
Really, I don't understand why I would write this. I love farmers. We can do anything!
There you go! I had so much traffic on the last post like this, I figured I had better follow up on it, even if it is late. Thanks for reading!


  1. Flicka. I can't say that the movie and book didn't influence my writing. I think all girls must go through the same basic phases or something. I had a survival phase as well xD

    Farmers can do anything! :)

    1. I have actually never read the book, but I have wanted to. I should sometime. Ah, phases can be such fun things.
      They can!

  2. Your first romantic scene was so cute, it's awesome that you have all this writing from a young age. I started at twelve and have about 2 and half books since then, not very much to work with. Still I might do this next Thursday or maybe tomorrow just for kicks.

    1. Aw thanks! Haha.
      I'm a bit of a pack rat when it comes to writing. Nothing gets thrown away. I either love it, or hate it so bad that I promise myself to rewrite it someday.
      Oh do it! I'd love to read some!

  3. Woahh. You say you were 12 when you wrote this? I actually love this so much. That romance scene was cute, and everything Mandy seems to be doing is intriguing. I want more!! Haha, you know, your last post inspired me to make a post about past writing and nostalgic stuff, so thanks xx

    The Life of Little Me

    1. Yup, 12! (I'm so glad I put start and end dates on most of my stuff)
      Done! Thanks! Mandy was one of my first favorite characters, as almost all of her stories I saw through to the end.
      Oh cool! I wanna go read it!

  4. The romance scene is so cute and I love it so much! This is actually really good and it's so cool that you shared all your past writing. :)

    I've just discovered your blog and it's really cool! I'd love if you could check out mine!


    1. Thank you! I'm glad you like it.

      Thanks!! I'll go look at it right now! :)

  5. Aww, these scenes are so cute :)
    I think this is a really good idea, by the way! It's fun to see where you've come from personally as far as writing abilities and sometimes you can get some insight into what you thought back then (:
    Have a blessed week!

    1. Thanks!
      Oh good! I'm glad. Yeah, I have really enjoyed peeking back into my little mind.
      You too!
